14 Common Mistakes in GTM Implementation and How to Fix Them

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3.8 million global installations and a 94% market share signify the massive popularity of Google Tag Manager (GTM). 

But that is not without problems. We will identify common mistakes in GTM implementation and how to fix them.

Let us first take a quick review of the tag management giant. 


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What is Google Tag Manager (GTM)?

Google Tag Manager is a tag management tool that allows businesses to configure, deploy, manage, and organize their tags without many coding requirements. 

These tags allow businesses to collect important data from their websites including user visits, interactions, and purchases, and send it to analytical tools like Google Analytics 4 for data analytics. 

Businesses set it up on their websites and e-commerce stores like Shopify stores. It also merges with external tools like Microsoft Clarity for in-depth analysis and behavioral insights. 

What is Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Given the value and wide use, learning about the most common bottlenecks or roadblocks in GTM implementation and how to deal with them is necessary for smooth functioning. 

But dealing with GTM mistakes and fixing them may not be everyone’s cup of tea. In that case, you consider hiring the right Google Tag Manager Consultants, for the job. 

Common Mistakes in GTM Implementation and How to Fix Them

1. Inconsistent Naming Conventions

When tags, triggers, and variables are named inconsistently, it can confuse team members and hinder efficient management of the tagging infrastructure.

Inconsistent naming conventions can lead to different team members using varied naming conventions, making it challenging to locate and understand specific elements within GTM. 

GTM implementation mistakes: Inconsistent Naming Conventions

This can result in miscommunication, errors, and even missed tracking opportunities.

How to Fix it?

To address this issue, it’s crucial to establish and adhere to a standardized naming convention across all GTM components. 

This convention should be intuitive, descriptive, and consistent throughout the implementation. 

You could adopt a structured naming approach, such as using prefixes or suffixes to denote the type of element (e.g., “PageView – Google Analytics” for a page view tag). 

Documenting the naming convention guidelines and providing training to team members can ensure consistency and promote best practices in GTM implementation.

2. Using the Wrong Google Tag Manager Container ID

Using the wrong Google Tag Manager (GTM) container ID is a surprisingly common mistake especially if you’re new to GTM or juggling multiple tasks. 

Managing multiple GTM containers: it can get messy quickly. If you’re using the same container for different websites, you’re setting yourself up for confusion and potential data mix-ups. Trust me, it’s not worth the headache. The golden rule here is simple: one website, one GTM container.

How to Fix it?

Always double-check to avoid this headache and ensure the correct GTM container ID is implemented across all pages and environments. 

Regular audits and monitoring can help identify discrepancies and help ensure the container ID remains consistent throughout the implementation. 

Leverage tools like Google Tag Assistant or browser developer tools can help validate the presence and functionality of the correct GTM container on each page.

3. Forgetting to Publish Your Changes

Forgetting to publish your changes in Google Tag Manager (GTM) can lead to data not adding up as expected, leaving you confused. 

GTM implementation mistakes: Forgetting to Publish Your Changes

Despite meticulously configuring your triggers, variables, and tags, testing them using the Preview and Debugview feature, and getting the right data, it won’t go live unless you hit that “Submit” button and publish your changes, none of it goes live.

How to Fix it?

The first way to avoid the situation is obvious, remember to press the submit button and publish your changes after testing and debugging. 

However, we are humans and liable to mistakes. So, if you set up everything correctly and don’t find the expected data despite double-checking the proper setup, look into Workplace Changes at the top right of your GTM. If it does not say zero, you have some unpublished changes that need to go live with the click of the Submit button. 

Also, consider integrating version control practices to stay on top of updates and stay caught up on the latest GTM features and fixes. 

4. Not Labeling Your Container Versions

Not labeling your container versions in Google Tag Manager (GTM) might look like a minor oversight, but it can lead to major headaches. 

When you change something in your GTM setup and publish it Google creates a new version of your container. 

Not labeling the container versions can make keeping track of those changes complicated. Imagine if you find a mistake in your tracking setup and don’t know the version where it needs to be fixed. 

How to Fix it?

To mitigate this issue adopt a labeling system for your container versions. This involves assigning meaningful names or descriptions to each version, indicating the changes made or the purpose behind the update. 

With labeled versions, you gain clarity and efficiency in troubleshooting and auditing your GTM setup.

So, the next time you need to revert to an older version to fix a tracking mistake or investigate an issue, you can quickly pinpoint the relevant snapshot of your container and take action with confidence.

Labeling your container versions enhances transparency, facilitates efficient management, and empowers you to make informed decisions about your GTM implementation.

Learn about the top web tagging practices in this blog. 

5. Not Refreshing GTM Preview Mode Or Browser Tab

GTM Preview is an excellent tool to test your changes before making them live. 

When changes are made in GTM, such as adding or modifying tags, triggers, or variables, you want to see if they work as desired. 

In case you keep the preview mode active all the time, forgetting to click the Refresh link within the interface and refreshing the browser tab will prevent the testing environment from doing its job. 

How to Fix it?

To avoid this mistake, habitually refresh GTM Preview Mode and your browser tab after every change you make in the GTM interface

This ensures that you always work with the most up-to-date version of your tagging setup, enabling you to test and troubleshoot your implementation accurately.

6. Hardcoding Tags

Hardcoding tags directly into your website’s code can be a preference for some businesses.

Once you start using GTM to manage all your tracking pixels in one place, it can be a mistake to keep your hardcoded tags intact.

GTM implementation mistakes: Hardcoding Tags 

When tags are hardcoded, they are embedded directly into the HTML of your web pages, bypassing the dynamic capabilities of GTM. This approach complicates the tracking codes management and also makes it challenging to update or modify tags in the future.

Hardcoding tags can lead to inconsistencies and discrepancies in tracking data across different pages or sections of your website.

How to Fix it?

To fix this mistake remove your hardcoded tags from the website’s source code once you implement Google Tag Manager. 

It saves you the trouble of duplicate counting and more flexible tracking and troubleshooting capabilities. 

7. Incorrect Implementation of the GTM Snippet 

We have a few examples of incorrect GTM implementation, which we discuss one-by-one. 

I) Putting the Data Layer Variable After The GTM Snippet

Another common GTM implementation mistake is to try to access the data before it becomes available. 

The Data Layer is a communication bridge between your website and GTM, allowing you to pass dynamic information about user interactions and page events.

So, if a tag is supposed to fire on an event like page_view, its variable sources data from page_category in the data layer, but the dataLayer.push code comes later in the order of precedence for the page view triggers, then it will send undefined data. 

Because the page category never became available in the Container Loaded tag.

GTM implementation mistake: Putting the Data Layer Variable After The GTM Snippet

How to Fix it?

You must declare the dataLayer variable before the GTM container. 

If you want to add some information available only after the page loads, for example, the link clicks or other interactions, then you must use dataLayer.Push so that you are not overriding the existing information in the dataLayer.

II) Putting Event Parameters As User Properties and Vice Versa

A common misstep in GTM implementation, especially for ones new to GTM involves mixing up event parameters and user properties, resulting in inaccurate data collection and segmentation. 

Event parameters should provide specific details about user interactions or actions on your website, such as the category of content shared or the value of an item purchased. 

On the other hand, user properties are attributes that characterize groups of users, such as their subscription plans or geographic locations.

How to Fix it?

To avoid this error, it’s crucial to understand the distinction between event parameters and user properties and ensure that each is assigned to the appropriate category in your GTM configuration. 

Take the time to review and verify your settings, confirming that event parameters accurately capture user interactions while user properties define relevant audience segments. 

III) Firing Tags On The Wrong Pages

Mistakenly firing tags on irrelevant or unintended pages can skew your data and lead to inaccurate insights. 

For instance, if an e-commerce tracking tag for product pages fires on the homepage, it could inflate your conversion rates and misrepresent user behavior.

GTM implementation mistake: Firing Tags On The Wrong Pages

How to Fix it?

Review your tag firing rules meticulously. Take advantage of GTM’s built-in features, such as triggers and variables, to precisely target the pages where each tag should be activated. 

Utilize URL-based triggers or page path conditions to ensure that tags fire only on the relevant pages, aligning with your tracking objectives.

Finally, regularly audit your tag configurations to identify any tags firing on the wrong pages. 

IV) Not Properly Testing Tags Before Publishing

It isn’t the wisest thing to expect a half-baked idea to do wonders for us. 

Publishing tags without thoroughly testing them can compromise functionality. This, in turn, risks sending incorrect or incomplete data to your analytics platform, which can compromise the accuracy of your reports and insights.

How to Fix it?

Deal with this by dedicating sufficient time to testing each tag and trigger in your GTM container before publishing. 

Use GTM’s Preview mode to simulate tag-firing events and verify that they behave as expected on different pages and user interactions. 

You can also leverage browser developer and debugging tools like Google Tag Assistant to inspect tag firing conditions and troubleshoot any issues.

V) Not Checking For Typos

Sometimes your GTM implementation may not go through properly just because of typos. 

Typos in tag configurations, trigger conditions, or variable names can prevent your tags from firing correctly or capturing the right data, leading to inaccurate analytics and missed opportunities.

Additionally, GTM fields are case-sensitive, meaning an incorrect capitalization can cause the same issues as a typo. For example, using “Pageview” instead of “pageview” can lead to your tag not firing as expected.

How to Fix it?

Always double-check the spelling and capitalization of every tag, trigger, and variable before publishing changes. Consider using a peer review system where a colleague reviews your configurations for potential errors.

8. Not Creating Specific Triggers For Each Tag and Using Auto-Event Tracking

Relying solely on auto-event tracking instead of setting up specific triggers for each tag can result in inaccurate data collection. 

GTM implementation mistake: Not Creating Specific Triggers For Each Tag and Using Auto-Event Tracking

Auto-event tracking is convenient for collecting certain user interactions automatically, such as clicks or form submissions. However, it is not fit for precise or tailored tracking needs. 

Depending entirely on auto-event tracking may result in tags firing indiscriminately, leading to irrelevant or duplicated data being collected.

How to Fix it?

To address this mistake, it’s essential to take a more deliberate approach to tag deployment by setting up specific triggers for each tag based on your tracking requirements. 

Define custom triggers that precisely match the events or conditions you want to track, to have greater control over when tags are fired and ensure that data collection aligns with your business objectives. 

This approach improves the accuracy of your tracking and enhances the efficiency of your GTM implementation by reducing unnecessary data processing and streamlining data analysis.

Learn about using advanced GTM techniques, custom variables, and triggers in this blog. 

9. Not Keeping Your Tags Organized 

Without a clear and structured organization system, managing a growing number of tags, triggers, and variables within GTM can quickly become overwhelming if you do not organize them systematically. 

This makes it difficult to locate specific tags, track their performance, and maintain consistency across your tracking implementation.

How to Fix it?

To remedy this mistake establish a systematic approach to organizing your tags within GTM. 

This could involve creating logical naming conventions, grouping related tags into folders or containers, and utilizing GTM’s built-in features such as naming conventions and tag groups. 

Additionally, regularly auditing and maintaining your tag organization ensures that your GTM implementation remains scalable and adaptable to evolving tracking requirements. 

10. Not Using Built-In Features To Save Time

GTM offers a variety of built-in features designed to enhance productivity and simplify tag management tasks. 

For instance, the Preview Mode is a valuable tool that allows you to test tags without publishing them live, ensuring your tracking setup functions as intended before going live. 

GTM implementation mistake: Not Using Built-In Features To Save Time

The Workspaces feature enables you to make changes in a separate environment, providing a safe space for experimentation and iteration before pushing changes to production.

Similarly, built-in variables in GTM like click classes, error messages, or form URLs pre-exist. Creating custom variables before looking for and enabling the built-in variables sounds like trying to reinvent the wheel. 

How to Fix it?

If you’re not using these features, you’re likely wasting valuable time that could be better spent on more productive tasks. 

To remedy this, get to know all the features GTM offers and incorporate them into your workflow. 

Take advantage of features like Preview Mode, Workspaces, and built-in variables to work more efficiently, reduce the risk of errors, and expedite the deployment of your tracking setup. 

11. Over-Tracking Events on Your Site

It is natural to want comprehensive insights into visitor behavior, such as clicks, scrolls, and form submissions. 

However, indiscriminate event tracking can result in data clutter and hinder the identification of critical insights.

Over-tracking slows down the website’s load time, negatively affecting the user experience, and creates a haystack of data, making it challenging to pinpoint the needles of actionable insights. 

How to Fix it?

Adopt a strategic approach to event tracking. Plan what you want to track, and prioritize meaningful interactions that align with your business goals and objectives. 

Before implementing new tracking tags, consider the relevance and significance of the events you’re tracking and assess whether they contribute valuable insights into user behavior and engagement. 

Additionally, regularly review your tracking setup to identify and remove redundant or unnecessary tracking tags, ensuring that you focus on collecting actionable data that informs decision-making and drives business outcomes

12. Using Non-Descript Event Parameters 

Setting up event tracking without defining it properly can lead to missing out on valuable insights into user behavior and interaction patterns.

It becomes challenging to distinguish between different types of interactions and accurately analyze user engagement. 

This oversight compromises the quality of your tracking data and hinders your ability to make informed decisions based on actionable insights.

How to Fix it?

To avoid this mistake, take the time to plan and define event parameters carefully when setting up event tracking in GTM. Define event parameters, such as category, action, label, and value, with descriptive and meaningful values.

Ensure each parameter provides clear and detailed information about the specific user interaction being tracked.

13. Not Using Appropriate GTM Tag Firing Rules and Triggers 

One of the reasons contributing to GTM troubles is the failure to set up GTM tags and triggers correctly. 

Especially when multiple tags fire on the same trigger, you may end up with incomplete or inaccurate data if you do not set up their firing order. 

GTM implementation mistake: Not Using Appropriate GTM Tag Firing Rules and Triggers 

Or you may have created hyperspecific triggers that only slow down the system and the data they collect has limited usefulness for your objectives. 

Even if they are set up correctly, failure to plan and organize them can push businesses to create triggers focused on collecting unnecessarily excessive data. 

The latter can result in data clutter and demands extensive analytical calculations with little value. 

 How to Fix it?

Familiarize yourself with the correct tag and trigger setup. Use advanced settings like tag-firing options, firing priorities, and sequencing, where applicable, to ensure smooth operation.

To avoid data clutter, plan and narrow down the triggers to focus on specific events such as button clicks or form submissions that directly contribute to your tracking objectives.

Prioritize the firing order of tags based on their importance and relevance to your tracking goals, to prevent data overwrite issues and ensure the integrity of your reporting.

Once set, go to the GTM Debug console to verify the tags are working correctly and that they only fire when expected. 

14. Not Using RegEx for GTM Triggers

When you add multiple conditions to fire a single tag, the instinct is to create several conditions within a trigger or assign several triggers to the same tag. 

Using multiple conditions like “contains,” “ends with,” or “starts with,” may technically work, but it can lead to a cluttered and convoluted GTM setup.

How to Fix it?

A more efficient alternative is to leverage regular expressions, which allow you to match different data with just one pattern. 

RegEx enables you to assign multiple “or” conditions to a single trigger, eliminating the need for separate triggers and simplifying your GTM configuration.

Embrace regular expressions in your GTM implementation, you can optimize your tracking setup, reduce the risk of errors, and achieve greater efficiency in managing your tags and triggers.


This blog discussed common mistakes in GTM implementation and how to fix them. 

Despite being a super popular and useful tool, users may have to deal with issues during its implementation process. 

Understanding common issues like inconsistent naming conventions, forgetting to publish changes, using the wrong container IDs, implementing tags without testing, not defining them and others help businesses pre-empt and timely resolve these mistakes. 


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This article was last updated on May 16, 2024

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