9 Mobile App Marketing Tips To Increase Visibility and Downloads

9 Mobile App Marketing Tips To Increase Visibility and Downloads

Launching a great app is not enough to get your audiences to notice and keep engaging with your app. You need strong marketing strategies to help you stay ahead of the competition.

By: Akshata Shirsath | 4 mins read
Published: Oct 28, 2021 9:40:34 AM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:21:49 AM

There are millions of apps available on app stores. If you have an app or plan to launch one soon, you need to be aware of the competition. Consumers have various apps available to choose from. Sometimes they download an app just to delete it moments later. Launching a great app is not enough to get your audiences to notice and keep engaging with your app. You need strong marketing strategies to help you stay ahead of the competition.


In this article, we will discuss some helpful mobile app marketing tips to make your app more visible. These strategies can help your target users find your app easily and increase downloads.


Mobile App Marketing Tips


Focus on app store optimization


App store optimization or ASO is the process of improving the ranking of mobile apps on app stores. It helps improve visibility and increases downloads. To start optimizing your app, you will first need to research relevant keywords. Once you have important keywords selected, use them strategically to optimize your app. Use important keywords in the title and description so that your audience can find you easily with these search terms.


You can also use reviews and ratings from customers to help boost your ranking and downloads.


Find out more app store optimization strategies here.


Have an app icon


Visually appealing elements can grab a user’s attention. An app icon is an important part of your app’s unique identity. It differentiates your app from another competitor’s app. Investing in designing your app icon is important. Choose an icon that is relevant to your app and your brand identity.


Your app icon should catch the attention of your audience and give them an idea of what your app is all about. App icon serves as a first impression your users have about your app. Ensure that you choose an icon that describes your app.


Make a demo video


Videos are a great way to get your message across. Users prefer to watch videos as it helps them understand the content faster. A video can be an effective tool to help users fully understand your app and its functions. Sometimes screenshots or images are not sufficient to show the users what your app is all about. With a video you can quickly give the users a glimpse into your app and its features.


When the users see all the various ways they can use your app, it encourages them to download and try it out. The video does not have to be long. It can be a short 30-seconds video which shows the most important features of your app.


Encourage users to rate your app


App ratings are important for ranking well on the app store. You want your users to rate you well so that more people would want to download your app. If your ratings are good your app will be more visible on the app store. To get users to rate your app you can use built-in pop-ups, which encourage users to rate.


The pop-ups should not interrupt the user’s experience with your app. Recurring pop-ups may leave the user annoyed. Ensure that you use these pop-ups strategically in a way which creates seamless experiences for your users. This will encourage them to rate your app well.


Use in-app tracking


Data is important for any marketing efforts as it can help make improvements to your existing marketing strategies. Collecting data from your current users can show you how your users engage with your app. You can use these insights to optimize your app and your marketing tactics.


In-app tracking is a great way to understand user behavior and how they interact with your app. How are they interacting with your app after downloading it? Did they uninstall your app after using it a few times? It also gives you insights about a user’s preferences. For example, your users may prefer using one feature in your app more, over the others. All this type of data can be collected with in-app tracking.


There are various in-app tracking tools available which you can use. You can start by installing a software development kit (SDK) that enables you to connect to your app data. Using these insights you can make improvements to your app that can improve user experience.


Leverage push notifications


Users are more likely to open push notifications than emails. Push notifications are clickable messages that pop up on a user’s browser irrespective of the browser or device they use. It is a great way to easily reach your users through their devices by sending them messages, offers or any other updates. For example, if you have any new features on your app, you can inform the users through push notifications.


You can also send push notifications that encourage users to share your message on social media, refer your app to a friend or ask them to review your app. This can encourage your current users to market your app. Push notifications can be used in various ways to market your app and its features.


Have a website


Whenever your audiences want to know about your app or your business, they will most likely research online. Hence, it is important to have your own website to build your online presence. Consumers can learn more about your app through your website. You can also have your own blog where you offer information on various topics related to your industry. By having a website, you can get more traffic for your mobile app.


Have a landing page on your website dedicated to your app which leads the users to the app store where they can download it. Websites can give you visibility on search engine results pages and generate more traffic to your app.


Ad retargeting


When you have a website, you can also think about using retargeting. Retargeting is used to track users who have already visited your website and showing them ads to re-engage them. You can use these ads to remind your users about your app on Google, Facebook, and other websites.


When users are reminded about your app, they will most likely click on your ads and download it. It is a great way to boost conversions.


Promote on social media


Lastly, don’t leave out your social media accounts. Social media is a great way to connect with your target audiences. It can help you increase brand awareness and generate more traffic to your app. Social media has various features you can use to promote your apps. You can sponsor your posts or run contests to encourage users to try your app. Another area you can explore is influencer marketing on platforms like Instagram or Snapchat.


Get your audiences to talk about your app on social media so that you can have user-generated content. Social media can be used in various ways to promote your app.


Consumers have access to plenty of apps on app stores. To ensure that your app is successful, you need to invest in app marketing. By following these marketing tips, you can ensure that you are in the right direction when it comes to app marketing. You can use these strategies in a way that suits your business needs. Use these mobile app marketing tips as per your business requirements to increase your app visibility and downloads.


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