4 Research Methods to Better Understand B2B Customers

4 Research Methods to Better Understand B2B Customers

It can be challenging to understand your target audience. This is especially true in the case of B2B buyers because their purchase journey is not straightforward, as compared to B2C buyers.

By: Akshata Shirsath | 4 mins read
Published: Feb 11, 2021 3:13:58 PM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:19:58 AM

Understanding your audience is crucial for any marketing efforts. When businesses know their target audience, they can create successful marketing and advertising strategies to sell their products or services. These marketing and communication strategies can be personalised to cater to a specific group of people. Many businesses think they understand their customers, but very few actually do. It can be challenging to understand your target audience. This is especially true in the case of B2B buyers because their purchase journey is not straightforward, as compared to B2C buyers.


B2B buyers take more time to make buying decisions. They explore which solutions are going to be profitable for their business. B2B buyers will compare solutions of different businesses before they invest in one. Hence, B2B marketers need to understand the complex journey of these buyers when catering to them. Getting to know these buyers is an important step of this process that should not be overlooked. With these insights, marketers can build buyer personas which makes it easier for them to analyze customer’s needs. They can create customized messaging and content for their leads to nurture and convert them.

Here are some methods that marketers can use to better understand their target customers.

Keyword research

Keyword research is often used for SEO efforts. But it can also be useful in getting insights on your potential customers. In the beginning of the buyer’s journey, potential customers are looking for brands that can provide the right solutions. While they are looking for this information, there is a lot to learn about what keywords they use. You can look at all the different variations of keywords and phrases they are using relevant to the products or services you sell. Not all searches are similar. Different customers will use different keywords. By looking at all these searches you can gain insights on what these people are looking for.


With keyword research you can understand the types of questions your buyers are asking related to your products or services. This highlights their pain points. You can also gain insights into which businesses are ranking for these searches. Buyers already have a lot of information available online. Hence, you should provide information that is unique and useful to them. The quality of your solutions leads your buyers to pick you over other competitors. With the help of these insights, marketers can create marketing and advertising strategies to provide relevant information for their target audience.

Social listening

Social listening is the process of monitoring and analyzing social media channels for mentions of your brand, products or services, competitors and more. This is a great way to track what your customers are saying about your brand or your competitors. People often share their opinions on social media. They are also looking for advice on certain problems they may be facing. Look for brand, products and competitor mentions. Also use relevant keywords and hashtags to search what people are saying about certain topics.


Monitor how people engage with content relevant to your industry. Check out your competitor’s social media account to find out how their customers engage with the content they share. Analyze the comments, discussions that the audiences have. This will give you valuable insights on what your audiences expect. It also determines their interests, problems, preferences and more. If audiences are reacting negatively to any of your competitor’s products or services, you can learn from their mistakes. Whether audiences have negative or positive feedback, you can leverage both for your business.

Discuss all these findings in your team meetings to come up with the best solutions for your target customers. Apply these insights in your marketing strategies to attract and nurture your leads.

Analyze customer interactions

You can gain valuable insights from your own customers. However, it is important to keep a record of all the interactions you have with these customers. A CRM system helps you keep a record of all the communication you have with your customers. This helps your sales and customer service teams to work together and help customers. You can use the information from previous or existing customers. This information could be about what they expect from your business, any feedback, problems they face and more. Your sales team would be able to tell you more about these customers as they have communicated with them.


Analyze what attracted these customers to your business and what type of problems they were facing. In addition, which type of content or other marketing strategies worked with them. This will allow us to see the positives and use them for attracting and nurturing future customers. If you come across any negative feedback, you can use that to make improvements for the future.

Monitor ratings and reviews

Buyers are always influenced by reviews from other customers. There are many review sites that have reviews from buyers on various services or products. Marketers can leverage these reviews for their own business. Buyers give their honest reviews on various aspects like price, features, customer service, overall satisfaction and more. Take a look at what buyers are saying about your competitor’s products. Look for these reviews in your own industry to analyze what your target audience is expecting.


Another way to find out what your customers think is to ask your own customers for review or feedback after they have made a purchase. This delights the customers as they feel they are important for your business. Honest customer feedback can allow you to make many improvements and create satisfaction for your future customers. Take into account every recommendation from your customer. This is a great way to better understand your customer needs.


Understanding B2B buyers is not an easy process. This will take time and lots of research on your part. But once you have the correct insights you can use them in many different ways. Creating your buyer personas and mapping buyer journey can become easier. You can create relevant content and marketing strategies which resonate with your audience. It can provide your sales teams with plenty of information which they can use when selling to future customers. Overall, your business will step into the shoes of these customers to better cater to their needs.


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