What are Buyer Intent Keywords? How To Identify Them?

What are Buyer Intent Keywords? How To Identify Them?

When buyers leverage these search terms, it means they are at the end of their purchase journey and ready to make the buying decision.

By: Akshata Shirsath | 5 mins read
Published: Aug 26, 2021 9:26:32 AM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:20:10 AM

Keywords are fundamental to the success of your SEO efforts. It can help businesses to reach potential customers. Lead generation is the number one goal of any business with a website. According to HubSpot 2020, the top priority of marketers is to generate leads. Keywords can help businesses reach their potential buyers who are interested in the type of products or services they sell.


Buyer intent keywords are search queries that people use when they intend to purchase something online. When buyers leverage these search terms, it means they are at the end of their purchase journey and ready to make the buying decision. These types of keywords are especially important for ecommerce websites. In this article, we will discuss what are buyer intent keywords and how to identify them.

What are Buyer Intent Keywords?

Buyer intent keywords are search queries used by consumers when they are close to purchasing a product or service. Businesses can use buyer intent keywords to reach these buyers in the final stage of their buying journey. These keywords can be used in content or paid ads to influence the buyer’s decision leading them to purchase.

Buyer’s Journey

To understand buyer intent keywords better, you need to know your buyer’s journey. A buyer’s journey is all the stages a buyer goes through till they reach a purchase decision. The buyer’s journey is divided into the following three stages:

Awareness stage: In this stage, the consumer is doing research to find a solution to the problem they face.

Consideration stage: Here consumers are looking into various solutions that can help them solve their problems.

Decision stage: This is the final stage where the consumer has decided which solution can help them. Then they use search with the intent of comparing different options and finally making a decision.

What are High Intent Keywords?

High intent keywords are search terms used by consumers indicating their strong intent to buy now or inquire about a product or service to make a purchase. High-intent keywords are also known as high commercial intent keywords, and they are very important for conversions.

These keywords determine the buyer’s purchase intent. Marketers can measure search intent by looking at the buyer personas, buying behavior, past purchases, and touchpoints.

To make the most of these keywords you can target previous customers who have already purchased from you. You can also target visitors who have interacted with your website multiple times.

What are Low Intent Keywords?

Low-intent keywords indicate that the audiences do not want to purchase. Someone who is just researching to find information about a topic may use these types of keywords. One example of a low-intent keyword is the word “Free”. If someone is using this term means they are not looking to purchase and may want to try a service or an online tool. Low-intent keywords can be valuable if you are using them to generate more traffic for your website which can lead to conversions.

It is a good practice to include these keywords as well to drive leads to your website which can convert later.

Let’s look at all the different types of buyer intent keywords.

Types of Buyer Intent Keywords

Buyer intent keywords indicate that the user is looking to make a purchase. To target these buyers, you need to know what type of search terms they use. The more intentional you are with the use of your keywords the better results you will see. You can understand your potential customers better and provide them with the information they are looking for. When they find what they need, visitors are more likely to convert.

Informational Keywords

Informational keywords are search terms that start with “how”, “what”, “tips”, “guide”, etc. You may have used these types of search terms to hunt for information on certain subjects. These keywords have a lower buyer intent. When people use these search terms they are not looking to purchase or at least not immediately. These users are researching information related to a certain problem they have.

These types of keywords don’t encourage a customer to buy, but they offer information on solutions based on their problem.

Commercial Keywords

Commercial intent keywords are used when the user has found a solution and is weighing different options. They are doing comparative research to find a solution that has the specific features they are looking for.

For this research people look at reviews, deals, comparisons, shops, product features, and more. The commercial queries can include words like “best”, “reviews”, “compare”, “color or size”, etc.

Transactional Keywords

Transactional queries are used when the user is most likely to convert.  This is when the user knows what they want and are ready to buy it. Here they look for information on the brand, price, or location. The research will include terms like affordable, discounts, free shipping, etc.

Transactional queries will have terms like “how much is”, “order online”, “near me”, “affordable” and more.

How to Identify Buyer Intent Keywords?

Find core keywords

Before you start looking for intent keywords, build your list of core keywords. These are keywords related to your business, industry, products, or services. Core keywords are search terms that users might use to research your business or the types of products or services you offer.

Building a keyword list takes time and lots of research. Brainstorm various keyword ideas to come up with various search terms that your audiences may look for. These keywords can be used to optimize your website content and attract potential buyers. Competitor research can also help you generate keyword ideas.

Leverage keyword research tools

There are several keyword research tools you can leverage to help with identifying important keywords. These tools will provide you with a whole list of keywords relevant to your main keyword. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Serpstat, Semrush, and more to build a list of keywords for your business.

These tools can help you build your buyer intent keyword list. Start with the target keyword related to your business or products. The keyword tool will then generate a list of keywords that are relevant to your target search term. Look at various suggestions and find the keywords that work for your campaigns. Pay attention to the search volume and competition when you select your keywords. You can also use different match modifiers like Brad Match, Phrase Match, and Exact match. These modifiers allow you to target specific keywords that your audiences are using.

To focus on buyer keywords, include words like “price”, “buy now”, “discount”, etc. When you add these terms, the keyword tool will generate all search terms with these words to help you find your buyer intent keywords.

Get ideas from SERP

The search engine result page or SERP can help you find more keyword ideas. When you search for a specific keyword on Google, you will find the People Also Ask box and related searches. These queries give you more information on a related subject. You can also make use of these search terms as they can provide insights into what people are looking for. These search queries are commonly used by people related to a specific keyword. Hence, don’t forget to include these in your keywords list.

Run A/B testing

A/B testing is commonly used for landing pages to test various elements of that page. You can use various search terms on a particular webpage to test their performance. For example, you can create two versions of a product page and use different keywords in both. Find out which version had more conversions and led to purchases. This can help you identify powerful search terms that your audiences respond better to. It can also help you resolve any confusion related to your keyword choices.

To get successful results from your buyer intent keywords, be sure to test them and see which are performing better.

Audit keywords list

When you have your list ready with the keywords you want to use, ensure that you review it once more. Maybe some of the keywords you have on your list are not going to be useful for your business. You would want to narrow down the list so that you can focus on important terms. A/B testing can help you eliminate some search terms that are not useful to you.

There are a few other areas you should consider as well:

Relevance: Look at how relevant your search terms are.

Search volume: Do your keywords have enough search volume? Search volume shows you how many searches there are of that keyword monthly. Keywords with an extremely low search volume are not very useful.

Competition: Competitions show how many other websites are ranking for a particular keyword. Avoid selecting keywords with high competition as it can be difficult to rank for them.

Cost: Look at how much you can expect to spend on a keyword. This is useful for your PPC campaigns.

It is good to keep reviewing and refreshing your keyword list. Don’t just make the list once and forget about it. It is good to audit it often so that you can make changes to your existing campaigns or any content. Keep optimizing your content with relevant keywords.

Buyer intent keywords can help you target users who are close to purchasing. This means you expect to get more conversions. Keywords can seem challenging because there is no right way to research them. But you can start with the easy steps discussed above and keep reviewing and improving your keyword list. This way you will know what works best for your business.

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