Guide to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Custom Dimensions

Guide to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Custom Dimensions

Custom dimensions are customizable parameters in (GA4), allowing you to track user-related information. Tailoring data that fits your business goals.

By: Menahil Shahzad | 4 mins read
Published: Dec 21, 2023 11:26:45 PM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:24:24 AM

Need for Custom Dimension:

Are you worried about your customer's actions? Do you want to keep track of users' actions and gather customer's insight? Look no further, Custom Dimensions is the solution to address all your worries.

This blog digs deep into exploring the new feature of custom dimensions in GA4. 

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) custom dimensions are the customizable dimension that allows you to track and analyze user-related information like website users, sessions, and events

These dimensions are versatile, enabling you to monitor various aspects such as user demographics, product preferences, or custom parameters for marketing campaigns.

What is GA4 Custom Dimension?

In GA4, Custom dimensions capture extra information, such as their subscription status, membership level, or any other relevant data specific to your business. These dimensions can be applied to events, user properties, and other data points in your analytics.

For example,

you might create a custom dimension to categorize users based on some Customer Type. This can be new customers, returning customers, or premium customers. This dimension can then be associated with various events to understand how different customer segments interact with your website or app.

Goals of GA4 Custom Dimension:

Goals of GA4 Custom Dimension

The primary goal of using GA4  is to enhance your ability to analyze specific information that is crucial to your business or website. By implementing custom dimensions, you can tailor the data you collect to match your unique goals and objectives. 

This allows for a more personalized and detailed analysis of user behavior, enabling you to gain insights into user demographics, preferences, or any other custom parameters that matter to your organization. 

Ultimately, the goal is to provide a more comprehensive and tailored understanding of user interactions, helping you make informed decisions to optimize your website or app.

Get in touch with us if you are looking for an audit of your current analytics.

Types of Custom Dimension: 

Type of GA4 Custom Dimension

Customer Dimension in GA4 can be classified into two main types:

1. User-scoped Custom Dimension.

2. Event-scoped Custom Dimension. 

3. Item Scoped Custom Dimension.

User-Scoped Custom Dimensions:

User-scoped custom dimension is designed to assess user attributes on your website or app. Its Implementation is based on a custom user property. The standard limit ranges up to 25

Key Point!

Ideal for tracking consistent user attributes like demographics or user roles.

Event-Scoped Custom Dimensions:

Event-scoped custom dimensions evaluate event attributes, such as event value or completion status. Its implementation is based on a custom event parameter. Its limit ranges up to 50 property 

Key Point!

Useful for specific action or event details, such as product views or clicks.

Item-Scoped Custom Dimensions:

Iteam-scoped custom dimensions examine attributes related to products or services in an online store (e.g., color, size, rating). Its implementation is based on a custom event parameter within an item array. Its limit ranges up to 10 properties. 

Key Note!

Geared towards e-commerce, these dimensions do not appear in the real-time report or DebugView.

Quota Information:

In Google Analytics, including GA4, there are certain quotas and limits in place to ensure fair usage and system stability. These limits may apply to various aspects of your analytics implementation, such as the number of hits, events, custom dimensions, and other data collection elements.


Check the number of custom dimensions and metrics in the Admin section, under Data display, by clicking Custom definitions, and accessing Quota information in the top right.

Here are some general points related to quotas in Google Analytics:

  • Hit Limits:

Google Analytics has a limit on the number of hits you can send per property per month. Hits include pageviews, events, and other interactions.

  • Event Limits:

There might be specific limits on the number of events you can send per session or user.

  • Custom Dimensions and Metrics:

There may be limits on the total number of custom dimensions and metrics you can use in your GA4 property.

  • Sampling Limits:

For large datasets, Google Analytics may use data sampling to provide faster reports. There are limits to the level of sampling depending on your GA4 subscription type.

Check our  Digital Analytics Audit Checklist below:

How to Create a Custom Dimension in GA4:

How to Create GA4 Custom Dimension

Here is the guide that will help you create your custom dimension.

  • Step 1: Access Admin Settings:

Click the icon in the bottom left of your GA4 screen to access Admin settings.

Navigate to "Custom definitions" within your property setting.

  • Step 2: Choose Custom Dimension:

In "Custom definitions," you'll find both "custom metrics" and "custom dimensions." Focus on creating a new custom dimension.

  • Step 3: Add a New Custom Dimension:

Click the blue "Create custom dimensions" button at the top right of your screen.

  • Step 4: Fill Out Dimension Details:

Name: Give your dimension a memorable name for reports.

Scope: Choose between "event" or "user" based on whether it describes an action or the user taking the action.

Description: Optional field for personal notes.

Event Parameter: Critical field – type exactly as it is in your GA4 event tag created in Google Tag Manager.

Save your custom dimension by hitting the blue "Save" button.

  • Step 5: Repeat for Additional Parameters:

If you have more event parameters, repeat the process for each.

  • Step 6: Review Your Custom Dimensions:

After creation, you can view the filled-out fields for your custom dimensions.

  • Step  7: View in Standard Reports:

Navigate to your custom event in standard reports to see the new cards displaying your event parameter data.

  • Bonus Step: Create a Report in Looker Studio:

Consider creating a Looker Studio report for detailed insights if you want to leverage your new custom dimensions.

If you want to learn more about Locker Studio Click here:

Creating custom dimensions allows you to personalize your analytics and gain valuable insights into user behavior. Feel free to explore and repeat these steps for different parameters as needed.


In conclusion, GA4 Custom Dimensions empowers businesses to enhance their analytics by tailoring data collection to unique goals and objectives.

These dimensions enable a more personalized analysis of user behavior, fostering informed decision-making to optimize websites or apps.

By following the straightforward steps outlined in this guide, businesses can create, implement, and leverage custom dimensions to gain valuable insights, ultimately improving their understanding of user interactions and enhancing overall performance.


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