X (Twitter) Advertising 101: Building Campaigns for B2C Markets

X (Twitter) Advertising 101: Building Campaigns for B2C Markets

X Advertising 101 explains X (Twitter) Ads, X Ads Manager, X Ad formats, setting up X Advertising, pros and cons of X Ads, and tips for maximizing benefits

By: Mussarat Nosheen | 9 mins read
Published: Mar 29, 2024 2:12:59 AM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:25:23 AM

X boasted 14.5 million monetizable daily users until the second quarter of 2022. Missing this huge, ready-to-convert market would be a huge mistake. 

So, we present X (Twitter) Advertising 101, our attempt at offering a comprehensive guide for building effective campaigns for B2C markets. 

It comes under the umbrella of social media advertising and offers immense benefits for a marketing campaign’s reach, engagement, and likely conversions. 

So, hang tight as we break down X (Twitter) advertising, its components, and tips and tricks to use the micro-blogging website to your advantage.  

What is X (Twitter) Advertising?

X (Twitter) Ads comprise promotional messages that businesses can leverage to reach a broad audience on the platform. 

These are digital ads that appear in users' timelines, search results, or profiles, blending seamlessly with organic content. They offer various formats, including Promoted Ads, Follower Ads, and Promoted Trends, each serving specific campaign objectives.

Businesses utilize the Twitter Ads Manager, a comprehensive platform that facilitates campaign creation, targeting, and performance tracking to get started with X (Twitter) ads

Within the Ads Manager, advertisers can define their campaign objectives, set budgets, choose the targeting options, and monitor ad performance in real time.

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Pros of Using X (Twitter) Advertising

Pros of X (Twitter) Advertising

1. Trending Lists

X’s real-time trending lists provide valuable insights into current topics and discussions, allowing advertisers to leverage trends to increase brand visibility and drive engagement.

2. App Installs

With over 80% of users accessing X on mobile devices until 2015, the platform is an excellent choice for driving app installs. Advertisers can optimize ad delivery to reach users likely to interact with app-related ads, improving effectiveness.

3. Audience Targeting

X offers precise audience targeting options based on interests, keywords, demographics, and hashtags. Advertisers can reach potential customers most likely to engage with their content, improving campaign effectiveness and ROI.

4. Posting Frequency

Businesses can post frequently on X without overwhelming their audience, as tweets have a brief shelf life. Consistent posting can help grow followers and increase interaction, enhancing brand visibility.

5. Viral Potential

X's viral nature presents a significant opportunity for businesses to expand their audience quickly. Engaging and shareable content can go viral within hours, increasing brand visibility and reach exponentially.

6. Cost-Effective Advertising

X (Twitter) ads offer cost-effective solutions for businesses of all sizes, making them accessible to startups and established brands. 

With flexible budgeting options and performance-based bidding strategies, businesses can optimize their ad spend and maximize ROI, ensuring efficient use of resources and sustainable growth.

Cons of Using X (Twitter) Advertising

Cons of X (Twitter) Advertising

1. Limited Character Count

The limited character count for tweets can make it challenging for brands to convey their message effectively. This constraint requires concise and impactful messaging, which may limit the depth of communication.

2. High Competition

With millions of active users and advertisers on the platform, competition for visibility can be intense. You must stand out amidst the noise to capture users' attention and drive engagement.

3. Negative Feedback

Ads perceived as intrusive or inauthentic may result in negative user feedback, impacting brand sentiment. Businesses should ensure that their messaging resonates with their audience and aligns with their values to avoid negative sentiment.

4. Ad Blocking

Some users may use ad-blocking software, reducing the effectiveness of X Ads. Businesses should find creative ways to bypass ad blockers and engage with users organically.

5. Algorithm Changes

X’s algorithm changes can affect the visibility and performance of ads. Brands should stay agile and adapt their strategies to align with algorithm updates, ensuring their ads effectively reach their target audience.

X (Twitter)Advertising 101: Getting Started With X (Twitter) Ads

X (Twitter) ads offer a powerful platform for businesses to connect with their target audience, drive engagement, and achieve their marketing objectives. 

Getting started with Twitter (X) ads

Let us explore the X (Twitter) Ads Manager and how to set up a campaign. 

Twitter Ads Manager: Unveiling Its Features for B2C Success

X ads manager is the central space that serves as your homepage and a central space to manage and review your campaigns. 

Custom Filters

Campaign filters make navigation on the X ad manager simpler. 

Once you open the ads manager, use the campaign filters at the top to look for and evaluate the ads, ad groups, or campaigns. 

You can use filters like: 

  • Status
  • Objective
  • Campaign name
  • Funding source

Each advertiser gains access to a unique set of filters. 

However, you may add filters of your choice by the “Add filter” button and save them for later use. 

Custom Metrics 

The default settings allow advertisers to see their ad metrics like results, cost per result, and result rate organized by objective.

To see the default metrics by objectives, go to the Metrics Summary and select the desired one from the drop-down menu. 

The Customize Metrics button enables advertisers to select or unselect metrics of their liking for more insights into their ads and campaigns. 

You can save your custom metrics selection as a Custom report to analyze the ad, ad group, or campaign by the same custom metrics you prefer. 

Custom Structure

The ads manager gives you access to three levels of campaign structure to select, manage, and control X advertising. 

These include:

  • Campaign - at the campaign level, advertisers give their campaigns a name and select the objective (followers, views, app installs) and funding source. 
  • Ad Groups - in the ad groups, you can choose parameters like goals, bids, targets, and ad audiences for the campaigns. A campaign could have several ad groups, and an ad group can have one or more ads.
  • Ads - you can have several ads in one ad group, with auto-optimization to the best-performing ad creative. To view ad performance, you can select from the menu by the type of ad.

Ad Formats

Twitter offers various ad formats to suit different campaign objectives and creative preferences. Here are some ad formats that X offers. 

Ad formats in X (Twitter)

Promoted Ads

A promoted ad is a regular X post, only paid for by the advertisers, that the users can view, reply to, engage with, and repost. Marked as paid, promoted ads blend seamlessly with the organic content, allowing businesses to extend their reach to a broader audience and encourage engagement from the existing ones.

It supports different types of media formats;

  • Image Ads - Single photo ads showcasing your product or service. 
  • Video Ads - single video ads aimed to drive engagement. 
  • Carousel Ads - consist of up to 6 swipeable images or videos showing several products or promotions.
  • Text Ads - look every bit like a regular X post, the only exception being they are paid and supposed to promote a business. 

Follower Ads

Follower ads are X account suggestions to users who do not follow the said account but could like it based on their interests. 

These are also marked as paid, generated by a followers campaign, and can appear in the search results, in your timeline, and in the who to follow section. 

X Amplify

X Amplify allows advertisers to align their ads with premium video content their target audience watches.

Amplify offers two distinct ad formats to cater to different advertising needs:

Amplify Pre-roll

It plays ads before the publishers’ videos, and the user may skip it if it lasts longer than 6 seconds.

This format is available for 15 standard categories;

  • Finance and Business
  • Automotive
  • Entertainment and Pop Culture
  • Comedy
  • Sports
  • Gaming 
  • Lifestyle
  • Technology
  • Curated categories (select markets only).

Amplify Sponsorships

Amplify sponsorship ads allow advertisers to partner one-on-one with a publisher of their choice, for the entire campaign. 

X Takeover

The most premium advertising real estate, X Takeover enables maximal reach and results across the various funnel stages for both desktop and mobile. 

It does so via; 

  • Timeline Takeover - the first ad of the day a user sees when they open X. 
  • Trend Takeover - it places ads in the Explore tab alongside the trending topics. 

X Live

As the name suggests, these ads allow advertisers to broadcast live significant events like product launches, fashion shows, watch parties, or conferences.

Dynamic Product Ads

Dynamic Product Ads deliver ads to the customers most likely to purchase and for products, they could be interested in. 

  • DPA Retargeting - displays ads to customers engaged with certain products on the advertiser’s website.
  • DPA Prospecting - displays ads to new customers involving products that might interest them from the advertiser's catalog.

Collection Ads

Collection ads display a visually appealing assembly of product images with one hero image followed by smaller thumbnails below it. 

Advertisers can bundle up to 6 products, services, or promotions for these ads. 

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Setup X (Twitter) Ad Campaigns

It is now time to dive into the campaign setup procedure on X.

1. Ad Objective

Ad campaigns in X are created based on the objectives. You can choose from;

  • Reach
  • Followers
  • Engagements
  • Video views
  • Pre-roll views
  • Traffic
  • App Installs
  • App re-engagements

Go to the X ad manager, click the Create campaign button, and select the desired objective to create an ad campaign. 

2. Budget

Next, click on Reach. It will take you to the Campaign Details page. Give your campaign a name and click Next. Now, select your daily ad budget and schedule. 

With these options, you can exercise control over your ad spend and the time till the ad can run. 

An advanced option lets advertisers choose between Standard and Accelerated pacing. The former is suited to time-limited campaigns with frequent ad displays.

3. Ad Group Details

In the Ad group details section, give the group a name, select the total ad group budget, and choose a goal and a bid strategy. 

The ad group goals choices include;

  • Maximum reach
  • Reach with engagement

It offers three bidding strategies;

  • Automatic bid
  • Maximum bid
  • Target bid

Once you make all the selections, click Next. 

4. Audience Targeting

In Audience targeting, you choose the audiences you wish to aim your X ads at. 

Go to Demographics and choose metrics for audience targeting

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Location
  • Language

You may go for very granular location selection options

  • Country
  • Region
  • Metro
  • City
  • Postal code.

You may also set a radius around a location for geotargeting.  

5. Ad Placement

Next, choose where you wish your ads to be displayed. X ads manager offers three ad placement options. These are

  • Home timeline - ads show in the users’ timelines. 
  • Profiles - ads appear when users visit their profiles.
  • Search results - these ads appear in users’ search results. 

Under the audience platform, advertisers can select ad formats, including native, banner, rectangle, portrait, or landscape. 

6. Ad Creatives

At this stage, you upload your ad creatives. Depending on the type of ad you are creating, it could be a text, image (s), or video (s). 

7. Review and Submit

Finally, you can review your ad to ensure everything is up to the mark and meets the X Ads specifications

If satisfactory, you can submit the copy for approval. Typically, it takes 24-48 hours to get an approval or rejection response. If approved, your X ad goes live immediately. 

Maximizing Campaign Effectiveness

Here's how you can ensure your campaigns achieve optimal results.

Leverage X (Twitter) Analytics for Insights

Leverage X (Twitter) Analytics for Insights

1. Track Performance Metrics

Utilize Twitter Analytics to monitor key performance metrics such as impressions, engagements, click-through rates (CTR), and conversion rates. Analyze trends over time and identify patterns to gain valuable insights into your audience's behavior and preferences.

2. Audience Insights

Dive deep into audience demographics, interests, and engagement levels to better understand your target audience. Use this information to refine your targeting strategies, tailor your messaging, and optimize your campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

3. Implement Conversion Tracking

Set up conversion tracking to attribute specific actions, such as website visits, sign-ups, or purchases, to your Twitter ads. It allows you to accurately measure the impact of your campaigns on driving desired actions and optimize your strategies accordingly.

4. Content Performance 

Assess the performance of your tweets and ad creative to identify top-performing content. Analyze parameters like engagement rates, likes, retweets, and comments to determine what resonates best with your audience and replicate successful strategies in future campaigns.

Retargeting Strategies for B2C Markets

X (Twitter) retargeting strategies for B2C markets

1. Website Retargeting

Implement website retargeting campaigns to re-engage users who have previously visited your website but did not convert. Use Twitter's website tag to track user behavior and serve targeted ads to visitors based on their browsing history and interactions with your site.

2. Engagement Retargeting

Retarget users who have engaged with your tweets, videos, or other content on X. Create custom audiences based on engagement criteria such as likes, retweets, or replies, and deliver tailored messages to rekindle their interest and drive conversions.

3. Lookalike Audiences

Expand your reach by targeting lookalike audiences—users who share similar characteristics and behaviors with your existing customers. Use X's audience targeting options to reach new prospects likely to be interested in your products or services based on shared traits.

Integrating Twitter Ads with Other Marketing Channels

Integrating twitter ads other marketing channels for maximizing X Ad campaigns

1. Cross-Platform Promotion

Integrate your X (Twitter) advertising efforts with other marketing channels, such as email marketing, content marketing, and social media. Coordinate messaging and campaigns across platforms to create a cohesive brand experience and maximize reach and impact.

2. Social Media Cross-Promotion

Leverage your presence on other social media platforms to amplify your X (Twitter) ads. Promote your Twitter campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach a broader audience and drive engagement and conversions.

3. Data Integration

Integrate your X (Twitter) ads data with other marketing analytics platforms for a comprehensive view of your marketing performance. Combine data from various channels to identify cross-channel trends, optimize resource allocation, and inform strategic decision-making.


X (Twitter) advertising 101 covers the basics of X (Twitter) advertising, including tips to build campaigns for B2C marketing.

X (Twitter) ads are a bunch of advertising options for advertisers to seamlessly reach out to their target audiences on the micro-blogging website. 

Its pros include increased visibility thanks to trending lists, higher potential for app installation, in-depth audience targeting options, the potential for these ads to go viral, and frequent ad posting options without overwhelming the users. 

However, it also has some cons. These include limited character count for ad creative, more competition, challenges like ad blockers and algorithm changes affecting the visibility of your ads, and the possibility of negative feedback spiraling out of hand. 

X offers various ad formats, including promoted ads, follower ads, X amplify, X takeover, X live, dynamic product ads, and collection ads. 

Users can choose text, image (s), or video (s) for these advertisements. 

Advertisers can set up their campaigns for B2C markets via the X (Twitter) Ads Manager

To set up an ad, you choose your objective (reach, engagement, app installs, etc.), budget, ad group goals, and bidding strategies, then select demographics for audience targeting, choose ad placement, upload ad creatives, review, and submit for approval. 

To maximize the X (Twitter) campaign effectiveness, leverage X analytics for insights on campaign performance and user demographics/ behavior; implement retargeting strategies for B2C marketing, and implement an omnichannel marketing strategy involving X to maximize gains. 

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