6 Things to Do After a Website Launch

6 Things to Do After a Website Launch

6 Things to Do After a Website Launch

By: Nishan Singh | 3 mins read
Published: Jul 10, 2018 10:06:00 AM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:20:09 AM

You recently got a new website with a beautiful design, a showcase of your products and services, a well-crafted Call to Action (CTA) buttons asking people to buy your products/services and all the reasons why people should choose you over your competitors. However, now what?

Your website is your virtual office and a salesperson who is available 24/7. However, just having your office, or your website, would not bring revenue. Your website must perform certain duties. Some of these functions are:

  • Creating awareness of who you are and what you do
  • Driving new business
  • Keeping in touch with your prospects and customers
  • Building and maintaining relationships
  • Creating meaningful conversations between you and your customers
  • Strengthening your brand

How would you make your website perform all these duties?

That depends on what your objectives and priorities are. However, there are certain things you should take care of after website launch.


There are various channels to bring new traffic (quality traffic) to your website. The least expensive of these are search engines and social media.

To get relevant traffic to your website through search engines, your website needs to be optimized. There are various factors that search engines take into consideration when sending traffic to your website for you targeted traffic. On a high level, some of these are:

  • User experience: Is there a security threat for a visitor if they visit your website?
  • Speed: Does your website load fast enough for visitors to browse it without getting frustrated?
  • Navigation: Is it easy to go from one page to another? Are relevant pages linked to each other?
  • Information: Does your website provide content that can answer the questions visitors entered into the search engine. You should think about the content of the site and consider writing blog posts, talking about different aspects of your business, keeping it useful and informative as this will help with your ranking.


If you restructured your website, there might be some links or URLs from your old website which don't exist. Alternatively, you might have changed the URLs to somewhere else. All the traffic to those links will go to 404 error pages.

This will also jeopardize your previous link building efforts if target page goes to 404 error page.

So, make sure all your old URLs are pointed properly to new pages on your new website. Also, keep track of 404 errors through Google search console. If your new website is on Wordpress, then there are some plugins which can monitor 404 errors on your website and you can fix redirects right there.

Social Media

Spread the word!

Social media is a great channel to connect with your target audience, so they get to know you. It helps companies to create online authority, strengthen brand reputation, foster brand loyalty, engage with customers and find potential clients.

Why not let your existing audience know that you have redesigned or built your website. Ask them to check it out and give feedback (provide them some incentives).

Email Marketing or Marketing Automation

It is always more effective to market to those people who have shown interest in you. So, create an email or newsletter sign-up form on your website and promote it on your website to drive more subscriptions. Or give away something for free (report, white paper, template, etc.)

Create standard and non-premium content. Provide premium content in exchange for information (like email address, name, industry, etc.)

Then you can use email marketing tools like MailChimp or marketing automation tools like Hubspot, Marketo to send relevant emails based on their personas and buying stage.

Read: How marketing automation can propel your business to success


If you do not measure it, then you are shooting arrows in the dark.

However, before you measure, you need to identify your objectives and craft a plan and strategy. Click here to read more about it.

Download our free template to create a measurement strategy for your online marketing.

Make sure you have correctly implemented Google Analytics or any other tool that can measure your visitor's interactions with your website.

Ongoing Execution: in-house or outsourced

You can do it all by yourself by hiring in-house content writers, social media strategists, analysts and buying some marketing tools. If you are already doing it, that is great. If you need consultation on how to further improve it, then talk to us.

Alternatively, you can also outsource your online marketing to a specialist who can understand your business needs and create and implement a great digital marketing strategy for you.

Get in touch with us, and we will walk you through steps and manage everything for you.