Setting marketing goals

Setting marketing goals

Setting marketing goals

By: Akshata Shirsath | 3 mins read
Published: Dec 6, 2019 10:28:42 AM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:21:55 AM

Setting goals is an important part of very marketer’s success. Setting up goals and working toward accomplishing them can make you feel more confident about where your business is heading. But goal setting is not as simple as it sounds. You want to make sure that your goals are not too unrealistic to reach.

Picking the right goals can take some time and a lot of thought. In order to make this easier, here some effective ways that can help you pick the right goals and achieve them. With the new year right around the corner, it is time to start afresh with these helpful tips.

Start by setting SMART goals

Goals are a great way to track our progress. They can show us how effective we are and at the same time if we are slacking. Either way it keeps us focused and gives room for improvement. But if the goals are unrealistic then they are useless. For that reason, it is important to set SMART goals. Here is the breakdown:

Specific: These goals should be very clear and include real numbers with real deadlines.

Measurable: You need to make sure that you can track your goal.

Attainable: Work toward the goal that is challenging yet achievable. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Realistic: Examine yourself and your team of what all you are capable of doing. There are going to be many hurdles to deal with. Keeping a goal that you are capable of handling is very important.

Time-bound: Set a deadline for your goals and work toward completing them on time.

This is how you set your goals, now let’s look at how you can work in order to meet them.

Summarise your goal

The first step is to pen down a summary of what your goal is. Like discussed above goals are not always that simple for marketers to set. There is a lot of thought that goes into it. Which is why writing down everything can give you a clear picture of where you are headed. Write down your goal keeping the SMART criteria in mind.

If you cannot figure it out leave it blank for a while till you come up with something. You can spend a little extra time on this and be patient with yourself since this is a crucial step. You can brainstorm with your team members to get more ideas. The focus is to spend some time on this first step as this the foundation of the entire process.

Set a value to your goal

Now that you have your goal, it’s time to set a value to it. Set a numerical value to your goal. For example, how many new visitors you want to visit your site, or how many more leads you want to convert. Tracking these numbers can be a little complicated. But there are various tools out there like Google Analytics or Hubspot that you can use to track your goals.

Commit the time

This is the step in which you actually have to work to complete your goal. Many people want immediate success and growth. But for that you need to put in the time and efforts. Even after doing so it will take some time to bring your efforts to fruition. This requires for your entire team to stay committed and put in the hours to meet your deadline.

You can split it down into how many hours you need to commit on a weekly basis in order to meet the deadline. By doing so your setting smaller goals that will help you reach your bigger goal.

Share your goals with your team

Depending on the size of your company, achieving these goals may be entirely your responsibility alone. Whether you have a small team of employees or a separate department for marketing you need to make sure that everyone is on the same page. You need to inform your colleagues about your SMART goals and all the ways you are planning to achieve them. If you have a marketing team then each team member can share a certain responsibility. Each team member can share their own expertise and skills to help achieve the goal.

Keep in mind the potential obstacles

There are always going to be a few setbacks or problems that may interfere with reaching your goals. In order to be a step ahead, you can think about potential obstacles that may create issues and try to come up with solutions for them. Being proactive can help you reduce the damage that this may do rather than catching you off guard. It will make your process much easier and stress free.

Following these steps can help you stay on track and get your desired results.

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