SEO and its different aspects

SEO and its different aspects 

SEO and its different aspects

By: | 3 mins read
Published: Dec 3, 2019 12:19:55 PM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:19:40 AM


Search Engine Optimization is the method of optimizing your website's content. It ensures that your website can be found in the top result on the search engine results page(SERP) for terms and phrases related to the product or service being offered. SEO is a practice of driving website traffic from organic search at the same time improving the quantity and quality of traffic.

Why is SEO Popular Among Marketers?

Search engine optimization is crucial because it aims to improve the usability and overall user experience of a website. SEO helps to enhance the online presence and drives quality traffic to a website. Appearing in the top spots for the keywords the user is searching, develops the website’s credibility. SEO is an essential component of an online marketing strategy. It demands strategic planning, right execution, and continuous control to make successful SEO efforts.

SEO makes the process of finding a webpage easier by clearly categorizing it. The main source of awareness regarding your products and/or services being offered in front of your existing and target buyers. In addition to that SEO helps to gather website statistics and social media metrics to better understand what users are looking for and able to market to them more efficiently.

How do search engines work?


Search engines send out a group of robots known as web crawlers or spiders to discover original and updated content. Web crawlers visit every website and by using various ways find how many pages a website contains and whether it is text content, images, videos, or any other format. Every time crawlers find a page, they crawl the page and accumulate all the relevant data on it required for the search engine index.


The search engine process organizes and stores content discovered with the help of the crawling process. The indexing effort is to recognize and organize each website and web page on the internet that allows it to attract links between the keywords users are searching for. Web crawlers continue doing this and build up an immense index of multiple web pages as it operates.


PageRank is a greatly recognized algorithm that functions to enhance web search results. The higher a website is ranked, the more relevant the parts of content that adequately satisfy a searcher's query. That determines that results are arranged by the most relevant and valuable content. In addition to that search engines also give attention to many other signals when pulling out the sequence to display the results. 

Types of SEO 

On-page SEO 

On-page SEO is also known as on-site SEO. It is the method of optimizing single web pages to rank higher in search engines. It optimizes multiple front-end and back-end elements of your website and helps to gain more relevant traffic. The on-page indicates both the content as well as the HTML source code of a page that can be optimized. The main purpose of on-page SEO is to improve organic traffic to your website. 

Factors contributing to on-page SEO 

  1. Title tag
  2. Meta description
  3. Header Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4,)
  4. Length of the content
  5. Descriptive URLs
  6. Updated content
  7. Image alt text
  8. Outbound links
  9. Publish high-quality content
  10. Page loading speed
  11. Mobile-friendliness
  12. Voice search optimization

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Off-page SEO 

Off-page SEO is also known as off-site SEO. It indicates methods in which individuals can use actions taken outside of your website to improve the positioning of their website in the search engine results page (SERPs). The off-page SEO is related to promotion techniques with the aim of ranking the website higher in the search results. Generating traffic to your website and focusing on improving the domain authority by acquiring quality links from other websites. 

Factors contributing to off-page SEO 

  1. Social media promotion
  2. Social bookmarking sites
  3. Reviews
  4. Inbound Links
  5. Quality Backlinks
  6. Guest blogging
  7. Linking building 
  8. Link authority
  9. Brand Mentions
  10. Influencer marketing
  11. Producing high-quality and shareable content 

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to enhancing the technical characteristics of a website to improve the ranking of its pages in the search engines. It is the process of optimizing your website for the crawling and indexing stage. The main purpose of technical SEO is to optimize the framework of a website and develop search visibility. Providing search engines access to crawl and understand then index your website without any difficulties.

Factors contributing to technical SEO 

  1. Sitemaps
  2. Navigation and Website Structure
  3. HTTP server
  4. Website Speed
  5. Mobile optimization
  6. Duplicate Content
  7. Broken links
  8. Error Pages and redirects
  9. URL structure
  10. Meta tags
  11. Robots.txt file


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