A Guide to Create a Successful Push Notification Strategy

A Guide to Create a Successful Push Notification Strategy

Push notification is a great marketing tool for businesses with mobile apps as they help connect with users.

By: Akshata Shirsath | 6 mins read
Published: Apr 16, 2021 3:31:02 PM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:20:18 AM


Consumers spend 90% of mobile internet time in apps (eMarketer). New apps are launched every day. Users have many options to choose from. They may download an app, use it a few times, and then forget about it. According to CleverTap, the number one reason people uninstall apps is because they are not using them. So, a user will download your app and may completely forget about it. If the engagement and usage of your app are low, then it may not bring any profitable results for your business.

How do you keep your user’s attention? Push notifications can help you out here. It is a great marketing tool for businesses with mobile apps as they help connect with users. With push notifications, you can send messages to your audience to get their attention and remind them to use your app. However, sometimes audiences find notifications annoying. Going overboard with push notifications will make your users mute them. Push notifications when done right can bring your audience back to your app. It can increase user engagement and retention. In this article, we will discuss some ways to create an effective push notification strategy.

What are Push Notifications?

Push notifications are messages that pop up on a mobile device. These are sent by app publishers at any time, and the users don’t have to be actively using the app. App publishers send these alerts to give any information about updates, events, promotions, etc.

Push notifications have a 50% higher open rate than emails and a 7% higher CTR (e-goi). They encourage users to take action and engage with the app.

Types of Push Notifications

Here are some push notification types that businesses use to engage users.

Informative notifications

An informative notification delivers important information on updates, activities on the account or any changes. They also serve as reminders if users need to take a certain action. The purpose is to notify customers about important changes in the app or their account.

Geolocation notifications

Location-based notifications send users information relevant to their location. These notifications can inform users about nearby events, restaurants, and stores in the area or weather updates. Such notifications create a great user experience.

Promotional notifications

A promotional push notification gives a user updates about sales, offers, or any other promotions that encourage sales. For example, if an app adds a new feature and offers a free trial that update will be sent to the user so that they can engage with it.

Catch-up notifications

These notifications are used to remind and motivate a user to work toward their personal goals. This encourages users to engage with the app. Catch-up notifications will update users about their progress, reminders to continue with certain activities, or congratulate them on achieving a certain milestone. These types of notifications encourage users to re-engage with the app.

Recurring notifications

A recurring notification is a regular communication a user receives. This can be any daily, weekly, or monthly reminders. Apps can enable users to set up regular notifications related to their usage. It can also be about any event or the latest newsletters.

Transactional notifications

These notifications send users updates on their shopping journey. It could be about the purchase if the order is processed or shipped. Or reminding users to make payments of certain bills. It can ask users to update any information like credit card details.

Key Benefits of Using Push Notifications

Increase user retention

User retention is key to the success of your mobile app. Push notifications enable the user to return to the app. According to Localytics, 25% of users abandon an app after one use. With push notifications, users can be encouraged to use the app again. You can send users reminders, updates, promotions, and news to capture their attention. When users see personalized notifications, they want to engage with the app. This is a great way to retain users for a long period.

Encourage user engagement

Push notifications help you drive user engagement. Regular updates enable users to interact with your app. If your notifications manage to attract the user’s attention, it can help them interact with your app daily. When your messages show users how they can benefit from using your app, they are more likely to engage.

Enhance user experience

User experience is an important aspect of any app. Push notifications can enhance user experience by providing relevant and personalized updates that help users interact with the app better. These notifications enable users to connect with your app better. If you are giving them the useful information they desire, their overall experience will be great. Providing valuable information is important as it can make users happy.

Boost conversion rates

Once users start engaging with your app daily, they will be inclined to invest in your app. If there are any new updates, they will make them. They will make in-app purchases. This will help you achieve more conversions and increase your ROI. It improves the overall growth of your app.

Want to create a successful app marketing strategy? Take a look at this guide, to help you get started.

Here are some ways how you can create an effective push notification strategy.

Best practices for Push Notifications

Don’t overwhelm users with permission requests

Your push notification strategy will be pointless if users have disabled your notifications. When users are new to your app, they are more interested in exploring your app. If the user is using your app for the first time, then it may not be an ideal time to ask for permission. Permission requests are important, as they build trust among users. You need to send permission requests; however, it should be at the right time. It would be best if you ask permission to send a notification after the user has explored your app. If the user does not know your app, they are going to disable all permissions.

Ask for permission at the right time. Also, other permissions like accessing contacts or photos should be asked at a later point in time. These requests should also serve a purpose and should be relevant to your app. If users find that you are asking for irrelevant permissions, they will not trust your app. And along with the other requests they will also say no to receiving any notifications from you. Always be careful about what permissions you ask for and when you ask for them. Once the users feel they can trust your app and it is useful to them, they will be open to receiving notifications from you.

Personalize push notifications

Push notifications should be valuable and relevant to your users. According to e-goi, 52% of users look for relevant information and offers in the push notifications they receive. These notifications should give users the information that is valuable to them. Personalized notification enables you to target the right users. You can personalize a push notification based on a user’s journey. Using their name when you send them these notifications is effective in getting the users' attention.

Updating them about certain updates or features they use often can encourage them to interact with the notification. Incorporate their demographics, interests, hobbies, challenges, etc. when you create these messages. Tailored content is a powerful tool to push users to take certain actions. Personalizing your push notifications can help you boost conversions. It also creates a good user experience for the users and improves retention.

Incorporate rich push notifications

Any visual elements are attractive to users and can easily grab their attention. Images and visuals are more appreciated by people rather than texts. Rich push notifications are a powerful tool to connect with your audience and engage them. What are rich push notifications? They are a type of notification that includes some type of media attachment. These push notifications allow you to include characters (emojis), images, videos, memes, and other interactive elements. Rich notifications can make a user happy, engaged, and interested.

According to Accentage, emojis improve push reaction rates by 40% and rich formats by 25%. Audiences appreciate such formats, and it is a great way to grab their attention. Rather than using words, you can get creative and use this interactive format that appeals to your target audience. It can encourage users to interact with your app and improve conversions.

Don’t overuse push notifications

Push notifications should be used strategically. Constantly sending notifications will annoy the users, especially, if it’s not important or relevant. If you want to provide value to users through your messages, then don’t bombard them with notifications. Don’t send push notifications just for the sake of it. There should be a purpose behind these notifications that informs users and asks them to act. Sending pointless notifications will force the users to disable them. Only send them notifications if you have any valuable information to offer or update users.

Use location-based notifications

Push notifications sent based on the user’s location can drive conversions. This can give users useful information about any events, stores, restaurants, and more. Users appreciate this form of information. This is a great way to personalize your push notifications.

Leverage limited-time offers

Limited-time offers encourage users to act so that they don’t miss out on anything. For example, if you have a new feature, you offer it at a lower price for a limited time. This encourages users to open your notification and try it out. These notifications need enticing CTAs. Create CTAs that make users curious about your offer and they end up clicking it.

Run testing

A/B testing is important to perfect any strategy. When testing your app design, don’t forget to test push notifications. Test elements like CTAs, messaging, font, colors, etc. Testing can always be useful in determining what your audiences prefer. It can help you create push notifications that get you optimum results and boost CTR or click-through rates.

Push notifications can be challenging as users have the option to easily turn them off. You need to ensure that your notifications are valuable and personalized for your target audience. Follow the tips mentioned above to see better results for your push notification strategy. Keep your notifications interesting to promote interactions which enables the users to use your app regularly. Push notifications improve retention, create loyal customers, and help your app grow.


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