6 Lead Nurturing Strategies You Should Be Using

6 Lead Nurturing Strategies You Should Be Using

Take a look at these effective lead nurturing strategies that can help you communicate with your customers and prospects and influence them to purchase.

By: Akshata Shirsath | 4 mins read
Published: Oct 29, 2020 1:23:01 PM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:21:58 AM


It is important to have effective lead nurturing strategies that can help you convert your leads into customers. Businesses use various marketing strategies to attract leads, but lead nurturing is what will make them purchase. According to Forrester Research, companies that effectively use lead nurturing get 50% more sales ready leads at 33% lower cost. Through lead nurturing you can not only convert customers but also expect to build long-term relationships with them.

Throughout the nurturing process you can answer all the queries that a potential customer may have. This communication helps your customers to trust you and you can get to know your customers better. Interactions with your customers can give you insights into what they want and expect. You can also segment leads and personalize messages for individual segments. This can enable you to give them solutions for their specific problems.


What is Lead Nurturing?

Lead nurturing is the process of communicating with customers and building relationships with them to move them along the sales funnel. It focuses on assessing the needs of prospects and providing them with relevant information that can help solve their problems.

Here are some effective lead nurturing strategies that can help you successfully convert potential customers.


Personalize Content

All leads are different. One type of content or messaging cannot work for all. Once you segment leads you will need to build relevant and targeted content for each segment. Leads can be segment based on various criteria, one of them is based on which stage of the sales funnel they are in. The content you create for leads in the awareness stage cannot be used for those in the consideration stage. Hence, personalizing your content is important.

Personalization also speaks to leads on an individual level. They are more likely to engage with content that is customized as per their needs. For example, if you use a lead’s first name in the email, it will make them feel special and they will open that email. Other types of content like blogs, landing pages, social media, ads etc. should address the needs of your target customers. This content should be useful to them and provide solutions for their problems. People will only engage with content that is relevant and interesting to them.

Align Sales and Marketing

Marketing and sales can come together to create a successful lead nurturing strategy. This can help improve conversion and retention rates. Each team has their own insights to offer which can be valuable when it comes to understanding customers. Sales teams are the ones communicating directly with each prospect and customer; hence they know what these customers want. Sharing this information can help marketing teams come up with relevant and personalized content. Marketing teams can also share their knowledge on various marketing strategies that can keep sales reps updated on the ongoing campaigns. If some leads are coming through any of these marketing campaigns, sales teams can answer any of their queries sufficiently.   

This collaboration can help both teams to communicate and share information related to any prospects or customers. When both teams are on board the lead nurturing process can be seamless.

Click Here to know about some best practices to you can adopt to align your sales and marketing.


Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tactic to use for lead nurturing. There are multiple advantages of using emails, which is why this a frequently used strategy for lead nurturing. Many consumers are willing to receive further communication from brands they are interested in. They agree to receive emails and hence are more likely to engage. Emails can be customized or personalized as per the need of potential customers. You can customize emails for various stages in a sales funnel. This can give your leads the right information they need and help you nurture them.

Adding personal touches to your emails is a great way to encourage leads to engage. Segmenting the email list and customizing emails can make your content relevant to your target audience. It can give the right information at the right time. Make sure to use CTAs that are appealing to your leads. Don’t use too many links in your emails that may confuse them. Keep the email content relevant and interesting to your leads.

Use Multiple Channels

Utilize various channels as part of your lead nurturing process. As discussed above emails are a great way to nurture leads and maintain communication with them. Apart from emails, there are also various other strategies that can help you connect with your customers or prospects. Website content like blog posts are a great way to attract visitors to your website and engage them till they take further actions. You can also offer useful downloadable content like eBooks, whitepapers or templates.

Social media can help you connect with your prospects easily. Posting interesting content can help you engage your prospects. You can also resolve any of their queries through direct messages. Paid ads can enable you to retarget prospects and help them convert. All these tactics used together can help you convert your prospects into customers.


Use Automation

Automation software can help you automate the messages you want to send to your leads. You can create emails and set up workflows that will automatically send them to the leads at a scheduled time. These workflows are triggered based on the action you set. With automation you can send regular updates and stay in touch with your leads. This saves sales reps time and they can focus on other important tasks. When you use automation, you don’t have to worry about forgetting to send emails to leads. You can reach every lead at the right time.

Automation is especially required when you have a growing contact list. It can become hard and time-consuming to send emails manually one by one to each lead. Another advantage is that you can create various emails at once and don’t have to be worried about creating follow up emails frequently. This saves a lot of time for both sales and marketing teams. It is definitely required to ensure that the lead nurturing process is continuous and smooth.

Follow Ups

Maintaining a regular communication with your leads is an important part of lead nurturing. And reaching out to your leads immediately in a timely manner. Automation can help you to send quick follow-up emails to a large group of leads. Also, taking time to respond to their queries through emails or phone calls which will help them convert. Responding to them in a timely manner shows leads that you care about doing business with them.

Without automation you could miss out on some leads or forget to send follow up emails. Have emails ready to send when a lead has shown interest in your product or service. Educate them further about your product or service which can help them engage. If a prospect calls you for any problems, they are facing to provide them with the right information to help them solve it. Following up with your leads is necessary as it shows them that they are important to your business. It is a good way to nurture, convert and retain your customers.

Utilizing the above-mentioned strategies can help your lead nurturing process become more efficient. It can make it easier for you to reach your prospects, drive more conversions and have a long-term relationship with your customers.

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