5 Key Inbound Marketing Metrics You Should Be Tracking

5 Key Inbound Marketing Metrics You Should Be Tracking

Inbound marketing metrics can help you track every aspect of your campaign by showing you the progress as well as areas that need improvement.

By: Akshata Shirsath | 4 mins read
Published: Jul 14, 2020 2:36:32 PM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:19:01 AM

Inbound marketing is all about creating personalized content and experiences for customers to build valuable relationships with them. Many marketers are incorporating inbound methodology as part of their marketing efforts. Like any other marketing campaign, inbound marketing also requires tracking. Inbound marketing metrics can help you track every aspect of your campaign and show you the progress it has made.

A strong inbound marketing campaign aligns all the marketing channels while focusing on a single message. The process is started by offering some piece of content that is relevant to the customers. Once the customers have downloaded the content, then the lead nurturing process starts which can help the leads convert to customers. This process takes the leads through the three stages in Inbound marketing which are Attract, Engage and Delight.

To have a successful strategy it is important to analyze the data and learn from it. Inbound marketing metrics will help you track the success of your campaign. These metrics can also show you the journey of your customers through the three stages and which marketing efforts worked best. When it comes to metrics, you might get confused about which metrics to track. It all depends on your business and the goals of your campaign. You can use various combinations of metrics to determine your success. In this article, we will discuss some important inbound marketing metrics that will make it easier for you to analyze your campaigns.

Email Click Rate

Emails are an important part of inbound marketing campaigns. When a lead has expressed an interest in your brand, email is used to further engage them. Email workflows can be set to educate the lead and further spark their curiosity about your brand. To track the success of your email campaign, click rate can be used. Email click rate is the percentage of people that click a link or CTA within an email.

To measure the success of your email campaign you can also track open rate. But sometimes users can open your email and close it without taking any action. Email click rate shows you how engaged your leads are with your content. It helps you track the users that take the desired action by clicking on a link within your email. With open rate you cannot determine whether a lead finds your content relevant. With click rate you can find out if this lead finds your content relevant and has the potential to convert.

Customer Acquisition Cost

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) measures the amount of money your company spends on acquiring a new customer. Generally, it is more expensive to get new clients rather than retaining old ones. Customer Acquisition Cost goes hand in hand with another metric called Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV). CLTV allows you to see how much a customer is worth during the entire course of their relationship with a business. Together, these metrics help you determine how much you need to be spending on a single customer.

With CAC you can also find out if your marketing strategy is effective. For example, if you are spending a huge amount of money on Google or Social media ads, but you are only gaining one or two new customers then your ads might need some changes. If your CAC is high and you don’t get the desired number of new customers, then you might be operating at a loss. This can help you see that your ads might need optimization as they might not be relevant to your target audience.

Want to know how you can make your inbound marketing strategy strong? Read our blog on 10 Types of Content For A Successful Inbound Marketing Strategy.

Social Media Engagement

Social media plays a key role in any type of marketing campaign. You can target your audience using various social media platforms and share your content to get them interested. It is a tool that drives brand awareness and generates more website traffic. There are different ways to measure social media metrics. You can see how much traffic your social media platforms are bringing to your website. However, to track your inbound marketing success, you need to focus on how people are engaging with your posts.

Keep a track of how many likes, shares, and comments your posts have. The more your audience engages with your content, the more relevant it is. Tracking engagement can help you determine which kind of content appeals to your target audience.

Landing Page Conversions

Landing pages are an important aspect of your inbound marketing campaign. You are going to have multiple landing pages for your campaigns. All your marketing efforts will lead the users to your website where they can complete the required action. You can have CTAs in your emails, social media posts, ads, etc. that will end up on your website. Landing page conversions help you see how many visitors were converted. These pages can include downloadable material like eBooks, whitepapers, templates, etc. It can also have a sign-up form that will allow you to collect the contact information of your leads. Hence, these pages play a key role in your entire inbound marketing campaign.

If you have low conversions and a high bounce rate on one of these pages, that would mean the pages require more work. Maybe the page load time is more, or the page is confusing which made the visitor leave without completing the action. This metric can help you improve the quality of your landing page and make it more engaging to the users.

Organic Traffic

Inbound marketing focuses on putting out relevant, helpful content that attracts the right audience. This methodology believes in generating traffic more organically. Hence, tracking organic traffic is more important in inbound marketing. Organic traffic will help you track your website’s success in gathering the right audience.

Once you take a look at this metric you will know how successful your website content is. The higher the organic traffic the better your content. This indicates that your website has quality content that resonates with the target audience. With organic traffic, you can determine if your content strategies are working or not. It can also show you if your website needs optimization to rank better on Google SERP.

There are a plethora of marketing metrics you can analyze to determine the success of your campaigns. The metrics discussed above can be used specifically to inbound marketing campaigns. They can help you not only in analyzing your campaigns but also to make improvements. From these metrics, you can draw information that will prove useful in optimizing your inbound marketing strategies.

If you need help with your inbound marketing metrics and optimizing your strategies, take a look at the inbound marketing services we offer. At Analytico, we take an analytics-driven inbound marketing approach. This approach will help you measure your marketing efforts, budget, ROI as well as make informed business decisions.

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