How To Write Google Ad Copy For Successful Ad Campaigns?

How To Write Google Ad Copy For Successful Ad Campaigns?

A relevant ad copy can help you generate successful results for your Google ads. It can improve engagement and CTR or click through rate.

By: Akshata Shirsath | 5 mins read
Published: Mar 1, 2022 9:18:44 AM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:18:38 AM

Many businesses globally are investing in Google Ads. PPC or pay per click advertising is a go-to tool used by marketers and advertisers across the globe. More than 80% of global businesses trust Google Ads for PPC campaigns. It is a trusted tool as it helps businesses target their customers, work within a set budget and generates revenue.


One beneficial feature of Google Ads is that it can identify buyer intent based on keywords and deliver ads to those who are looking to buy. To target your potential customers, you need a good ad copy. A relevant ad copy can help you generate successful results for your Google ads. It can improve engagement and CTR or click through rate. Hence, focusing on writing a good ad copy is important. When you write an ad copy you have a character limit that you need to work with. Which is why it is important to pick the right words to include in your ad copy.


There are some ad copy best practices you can follow when you write your ad copy. In this article, we will discuss how to write a Google ad copy that can help you get more clicks.


How To Write Google Ad Copy?


Leverage the right keywords


The right keywords are crucial for your Google ads to drive successful results. Understanding your target users is important to know their pain points and what solutions they are looking for. The first step is to research relevant keywords that resonate with your target user’s search queries. When you find the right keywords, you will need to divide them into ad groups with similar themes. An ad group contains one or more ads with similar targets. If you use keywords in an ad group that are not relevant it can lower the ads quality score.


Google recommends using about 10-20 keywords in an ad group. If you use more than that then the ad may not be specific and relevant. Choose the right keywords for different ad groups to make your ad copy more relevant.


Keyword placement


Along with choosing the right keywords, it is also important to place them strategically in your ad copy. Once you have an ad group with relevant keywords you can use those keywords to help you write your ad copy. Use keywords appropriately throughout your ad copy. The keyword should be present in your ad’s URL, headline, and description. The headline and description of your ad copy should include text from your keywords in the relevant ad group. This makes your ad combinations more relevant to the users and improves the ad performance. If you have a couple of keywords from your ad group with high traffic, include them in your headlines.


To ensure that your keyword is effective you can also run A/B testing to experiment with keyword placement. This way you will know which keyword placement works best for your target users.


Keywords should also be included in your landing page. Using the relevant keywords in your landing page helps boost the quality score of your ad. When your target customers click on your ad, they are led to a landing page where they convert. If you don’t incorporate the relevant keywords the users feel they are misled. The landing page should also be relevant to the search intent and the keywords used in your ad copy. Use the most relevant keyword with a high volume in the title of your landing page. Then use other keywords throughout the content of your landing page.


Write a specific ad copy


When you write an ad copy ensure that it is specific and offers the solution the user is looking for. When users have an intent to purchase, they are looking for specific solutions or products that are useful to them. Your ads should be able to offer these solutions that are specific to the user’s pain points. You can write about the specific benefits that your product or services offer. When the users briefly read through your ad copy, they should immediately find the terms that encourage them to click.


Make your ad copy specific to your user’s needs. As mentioned above there is a character limit when you write your ad copy. Think about all the benefits your products or services offer. You can use them in your headline and description to attract the attention of your target customers.


Use ad extensions


Extensions expand your ad by including additional information like location, phone number, and sitelinks. The extension format will have different buttons that lead users to specific landing pages on your website or make it easy for them to call or locate you. This gives users more reasons to click your ads. You can also include special discounts or promotions that users would want to check out.


Ad extensions help maximize the performance of text ads as it increases click through rate. When you add this additional information in the ad copy, the ad becomes more visible. It makes the ad more valuable and useful to your target users. There are two types of ad extensions, manual and automated. Manual extensions require you to set up your extensions. Whereas automated extensions are added automatically to your ads when Google predicts which ones will improve the performance of your ads.


Include CTA


CTA or call to action is an important part of your ad copy. A call to action is the button that encourages a user to take the desired action or click on your ad. Use CTAs that are relevant to your ads and capture the attention of your users. CTAs like “Buy”, “Get”, “Shop” can encourage users to click on your ads. Use terms that speak to the emotions of your target customers, as these are effective in driving better results.


The CTA you use in your ad cop should be relevant to the landing page and its CTA. If the ad CTA directs the users to “buy” then include relevant content and CTA in your landing page as well. Ensure that your CTAs are specific and not too wordy.


Match ads to your landing pages


The landing page is the page on which your users are directed when they click on your ad. This page is important in driving conversions. Your ad copy should be relevant to your landing page. If the users don't find the relevant information that you mentioned in the ad on your landing page, then it can discourage them from engaging. You may lose these users who do not find the relevant information they were looking for. 


Ensure that you match your landing page and ad copies, so that users can find what they are looking for. For example, if you have any promotion on a product that you mention in your ad, then the user should be able to find it on your landing page. 


Optimize your ads for mobile


Many users are going to come across your ads through their mobile devices. Your customers should find your ads appealing when they see it on their mobile phones. You can show your phone number and location through extensions. This can make it easy for them to call you or find direction to your business. 


Create ads that are dedicated to mobile devices and use the mobile version of your website as the landing page. You can also have special discounts for mobile audiences. 




To create an ad that is successful you will need to experiment with different ad copies to find out which is the best one. Create three to four ads for each ad group and use different messages to see which works best. Google Ads will rotate ads automatically to show the best performing ads more often. 


For successful text ads it is important to create an engaging and relevant ad copy. Avoid using generic sales terms in your ad copies. Instead use terms that are genuine and speak to your target users. A concise, genuine, and relevant ad copy can drive better results for your ad campaigns. Testing your ad copy is a great way to determine what drives better performance. For example, you can use A/B testing for keyword placements, CTA, or headlines to find out which works best with your users. You can test various elements of your ad copy to ensure that your ads are optimized and drive maximum results.

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