How To Use Color Psychology In Data Visualization

Table of Contents

Do you know in the vast universe of data, where only numbers and trends converge, there exists a secret language that speaks directly to our perceptions and makes data easy to understand? Can you guess what that language is?

It’s the Language of Colors.  

So let me be clear that colors tell a story and play a key role in data visualization. They paint graphs, and charts, make vibrant canvases that narrate stories, evoke emotions, and carve insights into your mind. 

However, The use of color matters a lot in this regard. The choice of colors can significantly impact how people interpret and interact with the data.

In this blog, we’ll dig deep and gather insights about the impact of color on data visualization and the psychology behind how to use colors in your data representation.

First Let’s see what data visualization is and how color helps in it.

Role of Colors in Data Visualization:

Role of Colours Data Visualization

Data visualization represents data in graphical or visual formats and uses charts, maps, etc to convey complex information to make it look easier to understand, analyze, and extract insights. 

Colors play their role by aiding differentiation, categorization, and highlighting within the visual elements. They can distinguish data points, emphasize specific information, represent gradients, and encode additional data attributes. 

Thoughtful use of colors enhances aesthetics and viewer engagement, but it’s essential to avoid misinterpretation by carefully choosing colors based on accessibility and cultural considerations

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Understanding Color Psychology:

Color psychology is the study of how colors influence human behavior, emotions, and cognitive processes. Different colors evoke different reactions and can have diverse meanings across cultures. 

When it comes to data visualization, understanding color psychology is crucial as it can affect the comprehension, engagement, and retention of the information presented.

From the fiery passion of red to the tranquil depths of blue, each color has a role to play in shaping how we interpret and understand data.

Strategic Color Selection:

Strategic Colour Selection

  • Color Associations:

Color associations refer to the psychological and cultural connections that people make between colors and certain emotions, moods, or concepts. 

For instance, use warm colors like red and orange for highlighting trends or alerting to potential issues, and cool colors like blue and green for calm and positive representations.

  • Use of Hues:

A hue is essentially a specific wavelength of light that corresponds to a specific color in the visible spectrum.

The color wheel is a circular diagram that arranges hues in a way that represents their chromatic relationships. 

It’s typically divided into primary colors (red, blue, and yellow), secondary colors (green, orange, and purple), and tertiary colors (resulting from mixing a primary color with a secondary color).

  • Gradient and Saturation:

A gradient refers to a gradual change in color, tone, or intensity. In the context of colors, it often involves a smooth transition from one color to another. For example, a light-to-dark blue gradient can signify increasing values.

Saturation, also known as chroma or intensity, refers to the vividness or purity of a color. A highly saturated color is vibrant and pure, while a desaturated color appears more muted or washed out. Adjust saturation to indicate intensity or importance. Higher saturation can draw attention to critical data points.

  • Color Harmony:

Color harmony refers to the visually pleasing arrangement of colors in a way that is aesthetically balanced and unified. Tools like color wheels can assist in creating visually appealing combinations.

Common Data Visualization Colour Palettes

Common Data Visualization Color Palette

  • Qualitative Palette:

Qualitative palettes are ideal for categorical data, where distinct labels without inherent ordering define the variable.

Whether you’re visualizing election candidates, countries, races, or genders, qualitative palettes help differentiate groups effectively. 


It’s crucial to keep the palette size limited to avoid confusion typically up to ten or fewer colors work best. Pay attention to hues for distinctiveness, and avoid looping through colors multiple times, as this can lead to confusion.

  • Sequential Palette:

Sequential palettes come into play when visualizing numeric or inherently ordered data. The colors are assigned in a continuum, often based on lightness or hue. Lower values are associated with lighter colors, and higher values with darker colors, but this can reverse on a dark background. Sequential palettes are excellent for representing trends or progressions in data.


Consider using a single hue with varying lightness or spanning between two colors for additional encoding.

  • Diverging Palette:

When your numeric variable has a meaningful central value (e.g., zero), a diverging palette is suitable. It combines two sequential palettes with a shared endpoint at the central value. Positive and negative values are assigned distinctive hues to enhance differentiation. The central value is usually represented by a light color, while darker colors indicate larger distances from the center. 


Diverging palettes are useful for highlighting deviations from a central value.

  • Discrete vs. Continuous Palette:

Both sequential and diverging palettes can be applied in two ways either as a discrete set of colors associated with numeric ranges or as a continuous function between numeric values and colors. While continuous palettes might seem intuitively better, discrete palettes have merits. Discretization reduces cognitive load and allows for better representation of unequal value ranges, particularly when dealing with outlier values.

Types of Data Visualization:

As we all know, data visualization is a tool for making complex information more accessible and understandable. The choice of colors and design palettes can significantly impact the effectiveness of visualization. 

Types of Data Visualization

Here are some data visualizations with suggested color usage and design palettes:

Types of Data

Best Color Design 

Best Use Case

 Bar Charts:

Use contrasting colors for different bars.

Comparing values across different categories or periods.

Line Charts:

Use a single color for each line or series, and consider using shades or gradients for emphasis.

Showing trends and patterns over time.

Pie Charts:

Use different colors for each segment, ensuring they are easily distinguishable.

Displaying parts of a whole, especially when the emphasis is on comparing proportions.

Scatter Plots:

Use a single color for all data points, but consider using different shapes or sizes for categories.

Highlighting relationships and correlations between two variables.


Use a gradient from a cool color (e.g., blue) to a warm color (e.g., red) to represent low to high values.

Visualizing large datasets and identifying patterns or concentrations.

Bubble Charts:

Similar to scatter plots, use a single color for bubbles and differentiate with size.

Showing relationships among three variables, where the size of the bubble represents the third variable.

Best Practices for Applying Color to Data Visualizations:

Color in data visualization begins with a thoughtful and intentional approach. To create visually compelling visualizations, consider the following practices for applying colors in your data representations.

Practice for Applying Colors in Data Visualization

Color Accessibility:

Prioritize colors that are accessible to individuals with color blindness.

Use color palettes that have sufficient contrast for easy readability.

Test your visualizations using color-blind simulation tools to ensure inclusivity.


Maintain consistency in color usage across different visualizations and data representations.

Assign specific colors to specific categories or data types and stick to them throughout your visualizations.

Consistent use of color aids in building a visual pattern and improves understanding.

Use Color with Purpose:

Assign meaningful colors to data points to convey information, trends, or categories.

Consider cultural and contextual associations with colors to ensure accurate interpretation.

Limit the Colour Palette:

Keep the number of colors in your palette to a minimum to avoid visual clutter.

Follow recommendations such as the Data Visualization Society’s suggestion to limit the palette to 10 or fewer colors.

Avoid Red-Green Combinations:

Be cautious with red-green combinations, as they can be challenging for individuals with color blindness.

Choose color combinations that provide sufficient contrast and clarity.

Use Grayscale for Print:

If your visualizations may be printed in black and white, design them to be distinguishable in grayscale.

Ensure that different elements have enough contrast even without color.

Consider Colour Intensity:

Use variations in color intensity (lightness or darkness) to represent data values or hierarchy.

Gradual color changes can indicate trends or progress.

Don’t Overuse Saturation:

Avoid oversaturation of colors, as it can be visually overwhelming.

Reserve highly saturated colors for highlighting key points or data.

Test for Readability:

Ensure that text and labels are easily readable against the chosen background color.

Document Your Color Choices:

Provide a legend or documentation that explains the meaning of each color used in your visualization.

Communicate the color code to enhance understanding.


The specific context of your data and your audience should guide your color choices. Always test and iterate based on user feedback to enhance the effectiveness of your visualizations.


In short, the effectiveness of data visualizations is significantly influenced by thoughtful color choices, with the specific context of the data and the target audience playing pivotal roles. 

It is imperative to approach color selection strategically, considering factors such as readability, accessibility, and the intended emotional impact. 

User feedback should be actively sought and incorporated into the iterative process of refining visualizations to ensure they resonate effectively with the audience.

Ultimately, a user-centered approach, coupled with continuous testing and refinement, is key to creating impactful and successful data visualizations.


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This article was last updated on January 8, 2024

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