How to Optimize Google AdWords Conversion Rate?

How to Optimize Google AdWords Conversion Rate?

Conversion optimization can help you get highly qualified leads, lower your acquisition cost, and ultimately boost your conversions.

By: Akshata Shirsath | 5 mins read
Published: Aug 20, 2020 1:17:33 PM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:19:37 AM

The purpose of Google Ads is to sell your products or services to your target customers. Advertisers aim to drive more qualified traffic to their website so that they can convert. But what if your ads are not giving you the desired result you’re looking for. Maybe you are getting enough clicks and impressions, but you still have a low conversion rate. There could be many possible reasons for a low conversion rate. You need to identify what is missing in your ad campaign or improve certain areas which can help you optimize your Google AdWords conversion rate.

In this article, we will discuss the possible measures you can take to optimize your conversion rate. Conversion optimization can help you get highly qualified leads, lower your acquisition cost, and ultimately boost your conversions.

First, let's understand Conversion Rate Optimization.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO is the process of optimizing your search ads, landing pages, and other aspects of the ad that can help you increase your conversions. The aim of this is to send more qualified leads to your website and encourage them to take the desired actions whether it is to sign-up or make a purchase. This will increase your chances to convert leads into customers.

Here are ways on how you can optimize your conversion rate for your Google Ads campaign.


Ad Text

Title and Description

The first step would be to analyze the ads you have already written. The title and description in your ad should align with the keywords you are bidding for. It should also be compelling to your audience so that they click on your ad. Using capital letters at the beginning of each word can increase the clicks on your ads. Highlight what makes you unique and different from your competitors. Write a description of how your product or service can benefit your customers.


Another important element of your ad is the CTA or Call to Action. CTAs are words or phrases that are embedded in your advertising messages which urge the customers to take the desired action. Before using a CTA in your ad find out what is the action you want the users to take. The words should specify certain actions like ‘get a free trial’, ‘buy’, ‘shop now’ etc. There should be a benefit for the customer in it, which will encourage them to click on your ad.


Extensions can help you expand your ad as well as encourage the users to interact. Use extensions that direct users to another page on your website, or location extensions that make it easier for them to find you. Price, promotions, or any other offers are powerful extensions that make your users interact with your ad.

The more relevant your ads are the more qualified leads you will get on your website. This can make it easier for you to increase your conversions rate.


Landing Page Experience

The landing page is the webpage your audience ends up on after clicking your ad. For each ad, you will specify a final URL that will lead people to the landing page on your website. Landing page experience is Google Ads’ way of assessing how well your website helps the audience when they click on your ad. The experience that your offer affects your Ad Rank and therefore your ad position in the auction. Your ads might show less if your website has a poor user experience.

Landing page experience depends on factors like the relevancy of the information on the page, easy navigation, and CTAs or links on the page. The landing page must align with your keywords and ad text. The information must be what people expect to see when they click on your ad. If your landing page does not provide what your ad promised, then people will leave your website without taking any action. You might get the clicks but not the conversions.

Improve User Experience

To improve the user experience, you can focus on the design and accessibility of your landing page. Use quality images to engage the user. Images should be of high quality and relevant to your webpage. Make it easy for users to navigate. For example, if the user wants to purchase certain products, provide them with information and make it easier for them to purchase it. If they don’t find the relevant information, they might exit the page. Any links or CTAs must be easily visible to the users. If there are too many links on the page, it might confuse them. Position your links wisely. Also, make sure that your landing page is optimized for mobile devices as well.

Want to measure the performance of your Google ads? Here are the Important Google Ads Metrics You Should Be Tracking.



A/B Testing

The A/B testing process lets you compare different elements on your landing page to find out which works better. In A/B testing there are two variations of a webpage and it is shown to the same number of audiences. Then you can track which page has the most conversions and continue to use that page for your campaigns. The elements you can experiment with include font styles, background color, images, CTA positions, layouts, and more. Testing different aspects of your webpage design can help you improve your user experience.

Improving user experience can enable you to improve your position in the search results. Google Ads will show your ads more often due to the quality of your landing page. More impressions can increase your chances of more clicks and ultimately more conversions.

Click-Through Rate

Improving your Click-Through-Rate or CTR can help you increase your conversion rate. CTR determines how often the users seeing your ad end up clicking it. CTR can be used to assess how well your ads and keywords are performing. High CTR indicates that users find ads useful and engaging. CTR is one of the factors that impact your Ad Rank. Low CTR can mean that your ads and keywords are not aligned. To improve your CTR, you need to make sure you are using relevant keywords and ads that match it. The more your ads and keywords match, the more chances of users clicking on your ads.


Remarketing is a way you can connect with people who previously visited your website but did not convert. This allows you to position your ads in front of these audiences when they browse Google. It gives you a chance to increase your chances of conversion and remind the audience to make a purchase. You can use remarketing if you are looking to increase your sales or registrations, brand awareness, and more.

The benefits of remarketing include showing your ads to people who have previously interacted with your business while they were searching for a product or service. You can help them by showing them your ads while they are actively searching for products that you are offering. You can create remarketing lists and advertise to these specific people. For example, you can create a list of people who left without completing signup or did not make a final purchase. Google Ads also provides automated bidding options for remarketing campaigns, which can help you win bids without any additional costs.

Using remarketing can help you reach those leads that initially showed interest in your products by clicking on your ads. Remarketing campaigns can significantly increase your conversion rates.


As discussed above using relevant keywords is an important part of your Google Ads campaign. You can improve the Quality Score of your keywords when they align with your ads and landing page. This is key to improving your conversion rate. Make sure to use Exact match and Phrase match keywords along with the default Broad match keywords. This will make your keyword list more targeted, allowing you to reach the right audience. This increases your chances of getting more conversions.

In your ad campaign make use of Negative keywords as well. Negative keywords are the keywords you don’t want your ads to show for. They will keep your ads from getting irrelevant clicks, also reducing your spending. This can make your campaign more focused and save your money.

Search Terms

Along with the keyword report, Google Ads also shows you the exact search terms your audience used when your ads showed up. You can use this report to improve your keywords so that your ads show only for the right searches. Use this report to find relevant phrases you can add to your keyword list. If your ad showed for irrelevant searches, use those phrases to add as Negative Keywords.

Before taking any measures to make changes in your campaign, make sure to analyze how much business your ads are currently making. Take a look at all the aspects we discussed above and see where your ads are lacking. This analysis will show you exactly where you need to make changes.

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