How to Create and Manage GA4 Segments

How to Create and Manage GA4 Segments

Segmentation in Google Analytics 4 helps to enhance user engagement, track conversion journeys, and maximize the impact of your online presence.

By: Menahil Shahzad | 4 mins read
Published: Dec 26, 2023 6:35:19 AM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:24:27 AM
Are you making the most out of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) powerful features? Or do you want an advanced way of data collection and data analysis? GA4 segments are here, to help you with this process.

These segments play a vital role by allowing users to analyze specific data sets based on specified criteria. Whether it's demographics, events, sources, or other parameters, GA4 segments empower users to dig deep into audience behavior.

You can learn more about GA4 audience features, by clicking here:

GA4 segment's beauty lies in facilitating comparisons between different user groups. This capability enables targeted optimization strategies based on a comprehensive understanding of how various segments interact with your content.

What are segments?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) segments are subsets of data crucial for insightful analysis. They allow targeted examination of user behavior, such as comparing US direct traffic to global traffic. Basic segments include device type, gender, age, and engagement level.

Unlike filters, GA4 segments are versatile and applicable across various reports. By analyzing specific target groups, like demographics on an e-commerce site, businesses can tailor marketing strategies for increased conversions.

GA4 segments provide a deep understanding of user behavior flow within specific groups, enabling optimization of user experience and overall engagement.

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Types of Segments in GA4:

There are three main types of segments: User, Session, and Event segments. Let's explore each type with examples:

Type of GA4 Segments

User Segments:

User segments focus on the characteristics and behaviors of individuals over a specific period, across multiple sessions.

Example: Let's say you want to create a user segment for "High-Value Customers." Define this segment based on users who have made multiple purchases or have spent a significant amount of time on your website.

Session Segments:

Session segments are based on specific attributes or behaviors that occur within a single session, providing insights into how users interact with your site during a single visit.

Example: Create a session segment for "Engaged Visitors" by including users who have visited more than three pages during a session and spent more than five minutes on the site. 

This segment helps you identify sessions where users are highly engaged with your content.

Event Segments:

Event segments focus on user interactions with specific events or actions on your website. Events are user interactions that you've defined, such as clicks, form submissions, or video views.

Example: Imagine you have an e-commerce site, and you want to analyze users who have added products to their shopping cart but did not complete the purchase. 

You can create a "Cart Abandonment" event segment based on the 'add to cart' event. This segment helps you target users who exhibit a specific behavior within your defined events.

Segment Dimension:

Segmentation is crucial for gaining insights into your audience and optimizing your marketing strategies. Here's a bit more detail on each of the dimensions in segments:

  • Demographics:

Age: Grouping users based on their age can provide insights into age-specific preferences and behaviors. For example, different age groups may respond differently to marketing messages or product offerings.

Gender: Understanding the gender distribution of your audience can help in creating gender-targeted marketing campaigns or tailoring product features to specific genders.

Location: Geographical segmentation allows you to understand regional preferences and customize your marketing approach based on cultural or geographic differences.

  • User Behavior:

Purchase Behavior: Segmenting users based on their purchase behavior helps identify high-value customers and allows you to create targeted campaigns for different stages of the buyer's journey.

Cart Abandonment: Users who abandon their shopping carts can be segmented to target with remarketing campaigns, encouraging them to complete their purchase.

  • Acquisition Source:

Organic Search: Users who find your website through organic search may have different intentions and preferences than those coming from other sources. Tailoring content based on this can enhance user engagement.

Social Media: Segmenting users based on their social media source can help in understanding the impact and effectiveness of your social media marketing efforts.

Paid Advertising: Users acquired through paid advertising may need different nurturing strategies than organic users. Segmenting them allows you to measure the ROI of your paid campaigns.

By combining these dimensions, you can create more refined segments.

Example: For Your Information!

you might also target females aged 25-34 from a specific location who have purchased in the last 30 days. This level of granularity enables highly targeted and personalized marketing strategies. 



 The effectiveness of segmentation also relies on continuously analyzing and adjusting your segments as user behavior and market dynamics evolve.

How to Create GA4 Segments:

Creating and managing Google Analytics 4 (GA4) segments for your website is a straightforward process. It will be created by following simple short steps. 

GA4 Explore Segment

  • First, in GA4, go to the 'Exploration' section in the left-hand navigation, after that select 'Free-form.'

GA4 Exploration Segment

  • Click the plus icon in the segments section to create a new segment.

GA4 Segment Free Form

  • Now you have to select the type of segment you want to create, which can be User, Session, or Event.

GA4 Custom Segment

  • Define your segment conditions and click 'Save and Apply' in the upper right corner.
  • Furthermore, You can also check the segment report. For that In the exploration, go to 'Segment Comparisons' in the 'Settings' column. Apply segments through drag-and-drop or double-click.
  • Your segments are created for analysis and comparison. 


You can edit or delete your segments by clicking the three dots.
You can add up to 10 segments but only compare 4 actively.

Setting Up GA4 Segment Conditions:

GA4 Segment Conditions

  • Conditional Segments:

Use “And” options to add conditions of your choice.

Changing your scope may affect results.

Session segments have scoping options (Within the same session or event).

You can build an audience to use in ads or Google Optimize experiments.

  • Condition Filters and Parameters:

There are conditions for Filtering dimensions and metrics (e.g., is one of, is not one of).

Event parameters are available with options like Event count and time.

  • Sequential Segments: 

They are only found in user type.

This shows user steps across sessions.

To create sequential segments, remove the condition group and select Add Sequence

You can set steps, sequence scoping, and add time constraints if needed.

  • Exclusions:

Use “+ Add Group to Exclude” to start exclusions.

Choose to Temporarily or Permanently exclude users in the exclusion group.

Exclusion can be temporary or permanent.

Temporarily excludes users for a specific time.

Permanently excludes users from the audience.

For Your Info!

You can enhance your segment exploration with these guidelines:

Create up to 10 segments for each exploration. Apply a maximum of 4 segments per exploration technique. Segment data is sampled, and the sample size is capped at 100,000,000 rows.


In a nutshell, leveraging Google Analytics 4 (GA4) segments is crucial for gaining in-depth insights into user behavior and optimizing digital strategies. 

The versatility of User, Session, and Event segments allows for targeted analysis, enabling personalized marketing approaches. 

Setting up segments in GA4 is straightforward, but continuous monitoring and adjustments are key to staying relevant in the dynamic digital landscape. 

By harnessing the power of segmentation, businesses can make informed decisions, enhance user engagement, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.


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