6 Content Management Tips You Should Know To Strategize Your Content

6 Content Management Tips You Should Know To Strategize Your Content

Content management also helps you ensure that you create fresh and quality content that is relevant to your target audience. Outdated content can contribute to a poor user experience.

By: Akshata Shirsath | 4 mins read
Published: Oct 13, 2021 5:20:26 PM | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:20:38 AM

When you start building your content, it becomes important to manage it well. Content can include your website content, social media content and any other forms of content that your organization uses to attract and convert customers. Managing content is important as it can help you track, organize, and update all your content to help build a successful strategy. When your content is organized you can easily access and use it as required in your campaigns.


Content management also helps you ensure that you create fresh and quality content that is relevant to your target audience. Outdated content can contribute to a poor user experience. Hence, when you manage content effectively you can keep your content fresh and useful. In this article, we will discuss some content management tips that will help you create a smooth and effective content strategy.


Content Management Tips


Invest in a content management system


A content management system is a software that enables businesses to create and manage a website without any coding needed. For example, WordPress, WIx and CMS Hub are content management systems. With the help of this software you can consistently modify, update, and organize your website content. It has a user-friendly interface that enables businesses to manage their content without the need of a web developer.


Content management systems also have various SEO tools and plugins that can help you optimize your content easily. You can assess your business needs and budget to invest in a CMS software that is suitable for you.


Here are some more reasons why you need a content management system.


Audit your content


Running content audits is an important part of keeping your data updated and organized. A content audit is the process of collecting and analyzing your content assets on your website such as blogs and landing pages. It keeps track of all your website content. You can also identify any gaps in your content and work on making improvements.


With a content audit you can make improvements to your existing content strategy. Hence, audit is an important part of managing your content effectively. You would not know what to fix unless you analyze and assess your existing content.


Not sure how to implement a content audit? Here is a guide to help you get started.


Match content to your buyer’s journey


When you plan your content, ensure that you keep your buyers in mind. Each piece of your content should be valuable to your users. To understand your potential customers, you can create buyer personas. These personas are fictional representations of your target customers. From the perspective of content, they help you create a content strategy that is relevant and useful to your target customers.


Along with buyer personas you also need to map your buyer’s journey. When buyers go through the stages of awareness, consideration, and decision, they need to find content that helps them move along these stages. Match your content to the buyer’s journey to help your users move along the different stages. For example, a user in the awareness stage may like to read more about the products or services you offer. But the buyer in the consideration stage may need content like testimonials or case studies to help them make a decision.


Hence, you need to ensure that you create your content that matches each stage in the user journey. This also helps you organize your content and makes it easier to manage.


 Create pillar pages and content clusters


Pillar pages and content clusters effectively organize your content and improve your SEO efforts. A pillar page is a detailed long piece of content which includes various aspects of a particular topic. Content clusters are like subtopics of the topics covered in the pillar page. You can link these content clusters to the pillar page so that the user can find complete information on that topic.


This is a great way to organize your content and assess it easily. It can also help enhance user experience as users find all the information they are looking for with a pillar page.


Find out more about pillar pages and topic clusters.


Maintain a content calendar where you can plan and schedule your content. It is a great way to help you keep track of your content. You can easily know which topics you have already covered and which ones you have not. This serves as a tool to help you publish your content on time and maintain its frequency.


Include the format, author, publishing status, timing and deadlines, and user journey in your content calendar. Customize your content calendar as per your business needs. Keep updating this calendar regularly so that you know what is going on in your content strategy. This calendar can be shared with other team members who are involved with your content strategy.


Measure your content strategy


It is crucial to measure the progress of your content strategy. This is important for content management as it can give you insights on which content is performing well and which areas need improvement. For example, if you have a blog post you can see how much traffic it's attracting. You can also analyze if your blog post is showing up on the search results page for the keywords you are targeting. If your post is not showing up on the first page you can optimize your content for better visibility. Find out which content topics have the most traffic and engagement.  


Similarly, any social media post you share ensures that you review the engagement. Analyzing your content can enable you to understand your audience preferences. You can make improvements to ensure that your content is valuable and resonates with your audience.


Content is key in your digital marketing efforts. It is what helps you build your online presence. You need to put out content which is high-quality and useful to your target audience. To stay relevant content management is needed. The content management tips discussed can help you organize, evaluate, and optimize your content. It can seem intimidating, especially if you have tons of content, but doing this regularly can make it easier. When you audit your content frequently, it becomes easy to manage. Keep your content updated and fresh so that it can attract more traffic and increase conversions for you.


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