8 Best Practices To Create A Great Mobile App User Experience

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One of the reasons why mobile apps fail is poor user experience. User experience is a very important aspect of your mobile app development process. The key to creating a great user experience is to understand your target users. To build a successful app it is imperative to understand the needs, pain points, and buying behavior of your end user.


User experience is the overall experience of a user interacting with your mobile app. When you build your mobile keeping your users at the center, you can create an app that offers relevant solutions to the user’s problem. Incorporating these user insights while building your mobile app can enable you to create a great user experience. In this article, we will discuss some best practices that can help you create a great mobile app user experience.

Create a seamless onboarding process


The onboarding process gives the user a first impression of your app. Onboarding determines whether the user wants to continue engaging with your app or not. It is a contributing factor to creating a great user experience. Hence, focus on creating a seamless and efficient onboarding process that encourages users to continue engaging with your app.


An overly complex onboarding process can discourage users from engaging further. The main purpose of this process is to highlight the core features of your app. Demonstrate to the users how your app will be valuable to them. This demonstration should be done with minimal steps and messages. Using too many words or paragraphs can leave the users frustrated. Moreover, asking too many questions or bombarding users with permission requests will force them to quit the app. Keep these things in mind when you are planning your app onboarding.


The goal should be to simplify the onboarding process while making it engaging and informative for the users. Here are some tips to create an effective app onboarding process. 


Build a user-friendly interface


The user interface is a point where your target user will interact with your app. Design is an important aspect of building a successful app. The app’s interface should provide the users with the right content, while eliminating any unnecessary elements. When users interact with your app, they should find the right features easily. Complex layout and navigation can contribute to a poor user experience.


The interface of your app should be simple, clear with an appealing layout. The fonts that you use should be readable. Use fonts with multiple sizes and appropriate weights to highlight specific points and enhance readability. Color scheme should be easy on the eyes and not too overpowering. Use understandable language and terms that are clear to your target users. Avoid using lengthy sentences or complex terms that users don’t understand. The layout of your app should be breathable with appropriate use of white space that makes it more appealing.


All these factors play an important role in creating an interface that your users would find engaging. Moreover, focus on creating an interface that is intuitive. Which means that the interface works exactly as the user expects. For example, if the user clicks on a link, it leads them to a specific landing page. Your app’s interface should be easy for the users to navigate and help them achieve their goals.


Minimal user input


User input is when users are asked to enter data such as registration, credit card or billing. On mobile devices entering this data can be frustrating due to a small screen. Users do not like to type a lot of information on their mobile devices. Hence, it is important to reduce the number of fields and only ask for information that is important. You can also streamline this process to make it easier for users to key in their information by incorporating spell-check, autocomplete and prediction text assistance.


Lessen search effort


A part of creating a great user experience is helping users find what they are looking for with minimal efforts. When users interact with your app, help them find the feature they are looking for instantly. You can integrate various search strategies like barcode scanning, voice search or keyword search. These search options can help users easily locate what they want with minimum search effort. This strategy can improve conversion rates, create a great user experience and make your app more engaging.


Use behavioral Gesturization


Gesturization are the actions that users do while interacting with your app. These actions include swiping, scrolling, and pinching. Understand how your users behave before incorporating any of these gestures. Incorporate the gestures that your users are familiar and more comfortable with. Moreover, ensure that these gestures are consistent throughout the app. For example, if swiping entails deleting an object, then use the same action for other screens as well. Incorporating behavioral gesturization can simplify the onboarding process and enhance user experience.


Use notifications strategically


One thing that can frustrate a user is constantly sending them notifications. Sending users notifications is a great strategy to encourage them to engage with your app. However, ensure that you do not bombard the users with notifications. Send notifications strategically and at appropriate timing to capture the user’s attention. Sending too many notifications in a day or sending them at odd hours can leave the user frustrated. This may result in the user turning off notifications or deleting the app.


Notification messages should be specific and relevant. When asking for permissions do so in a way that shows users the value of these notifications. Send messages that are relevant and benefit the users.


Security and privacy


Users need to find your secure and trustworthy for them to share their private information. If a user does not trust your app, they may refrain from sharing their private details like credit information on your app. To make your app trustworthy it is important to outline your business policies and practices. Ask for permissions that are important. Do not overwhelm users by asking for a long list of permissions. Be transparent about permission policies and enable users to control how their personal information is shared on the app.


Only ask for relevant permissions as asking for too many permissions can make the user distrust your app. When users know that your app is secure, they are more comfortable sharing their information with you.




Personalizing user experience can create unique and relevant experiences for your users. Personalization includes leveraging user data to display relevant content in the app. For example, using location to present users with information about retail deals or promotions around them. When users find these personalized messages, they want to continue engaging with your app. Another way to personalize is including the user’s name on the screen and in various messages.


User experience depends on different factors. The tips mentioned above are a great way to start enhancing the user experience of your mobile app. Poor user experience can discourage users from engaging with your app. There are millions of mobile apps on the market. Offering solutions to the needs of your users can set your app apart from the rest. Incorporate these practices to build a great user experience that can contribute to your app’s success.

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This article was last updated on April 22, 2022

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