How Has B2B Sales Changed During Covid-19? And How Can We Adapt to These Changes?

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The pandemic has brought about many changes to the day-to-day lives of people across the globe. It has slowed down the economy. Trade has been impacted and many businesses had to put their international endeavors on hold. As the cases continue to rise it is hard to predict the state of the economy. Many businesses are incorporating various changes to remain functional during this crisis. Companies are changing their work culture by working remotely to continue working during the pandemic. Covid-19 has brought a change to all types of occupations and businesses. So how has B2B sales changed during Covid-19?

To understand how the B2B sales environment has changed, let’s take a look at some key statistics.


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How can B2B businesses adapt to these changes?

As seen in the statistics above, it is evident that customers are relying more on digital platforms now. They are using live chat and mobile apps to place their orders. As the global pandemic has forced people to remain indoors, they are more reliant on digital services. But customers are also looking for a good online experience right from when they are looking for a product until the time they receive it. B2B sellers must keep these statistics in mind and meet the needs of their customers.

User Experience

As customers look for your products or services online, make sure to improve the UX of your website or mobile apps. Make it easier for the customers to find the products or services they are looking for. The checkout process should be seamless to make it easy for the customer to place an order. Fix any glitches or errors on your website or mobile apps.

Human Interaction

Since B2B sales is traditionally face-to-face selling, customers are still looking for human interaction. You must have your sales reps ready to answer any queries that the customers have. As seen above, live chat is the top channel customers are using to research suppliers. You can optimize this platform for your business so that it is convenient for customers to use this. Also, using video calling to have a face-to-face discussion with customers. With these virtual tools you can maintain business continuity with your customers.



Communication Between Sales Team

Working remotely can also interrupt the communication between team members. Use tools that can help your team communicate easily with each other. Schedule daily meetings between manager and team members to discuss progress or tasks. This can help increase trust among the team members and boost productivity. Manger can also provide training to help the team members adapt to virtual selling.

New Buyer’s Journey

As the buyer’s journey is changing, it is important to prioritize your potential customers. Narrowing down your sales funnel by focusing on buyers that are more likely to convert can save you a lot of time and resources. Use your sales reps on high-value customers and potential opportunities. Update your sales strategies to incorporate the new needs of your customers. Monitor your competitors who are successfully adapting to this new change and closing deals. Train your sales team to adapt to these new virtual tools so that they can use them effectively to sell your products or services.

Customer Engagement

It is also important to keep engaging with your customers. Using various channels like email, social media networks is going to help you stay in touch with your customers. Send out emails educating the customers about your products or services. Retargeting campaigns can also help in building the customer’s curiosity to invest in your company.

Adapting these new changes will help you keep up with the new business landscape. This will make sure that your business does not slow down and you can keep engaging with your customers.

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This article was last updated on July 21, 2020

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